Great new comedy writing in the Observer, when somebody calling herself "Julie Delpy" creates a hilarious caricature of a wealthy liberal actress who really, really cares about 'the poor' :
Of course, Sarkozy thinks he's a little American, looking busy all the time. Maybe he should come over to the States and see how the poor are getting on ...
Though my home is now Los Angeles ...
13 hours ago
Perhaps the poor voted for Sarko because they were attracted by his law-and-order stance? It is they who suffer the worst from crime. I can remember from my days as a struggling single parent, my worst fear was losing my job and my second-worst fear was that rents would become so high I could no longer afford to live in a safe neighborhood.
I rather dislike privileged people who presume to speak for "the poor."
Also most of "the poor" in Los Angeles are imported illegally from Mexico & Central America. What native-born "poor" there are have become worse off due to the pressure on wages, crime and living standards caused by the massive illegal immigration from Third World countries. . .a situation that the left supports rather than opposes.
Yes she is like a caricature, isn't she.
May I suggest an explanation for here narrow mindedness:
She (h)as a very poor eyesight. She neither as a sense of depth nor the three dimensional vision.
She's cutesy, shallow and unfunny in her column, just like she is in her movie.
And isn't it bizarre that someone who chooses to live in America - and who owes a good deal of her success to America - disapproves of the French president because he admires America? It's a weird encapsulation of Western and American (or faux-American) self-hatred.
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