As my son said "They're letting down terrorists all over the world".
If every potential jihadi in the UK would just set fire to himself before crashing into Glasgow Airport I'd find it highly satisfactory.
The Philosopher's not impressed with the New Wave Of British Jihad (© Laban Tall 2007). Neither's Tim, who weighs in with some handy hints about oxidiser, while the Guardian offers advice on improving the anti-personnel effect of nail shrapnel.
But no-one seems to have noticed the as-far-as-I-know unique feature of this act - the first terrorist attempt against Britain which doesn't target England.
When the murderous bums in Labour MP Chris Mullin's Rolodex wanted a spectacular, they killed and destroyed in London, or Birmingham, or Manchester. They always avoided Scotland and Wales - after all, weren't they fellow-Celts and brothers under the English jackboot ?
Either the "Glaswegian sizzlers" are too dim to realise that England is the traditional venue for attempted mass murder, or they're ahead of the game as politicians, if not as engineers, and have realised that the rulers of Britain are actually Scots !
UPDATE - my more considered view :
The New Wave Of British Jihad is IMHO very poor quality compared with its illustrious predecessors. If the "Fantastic Four" were alive today they'd be turning in their graves.
I'd been wondering for a long time why science education was being dumbed down so much, to seeming government indifference.
The fact that these guys can't put anything that makes a bang together is a tribute to our education system. I understand now that Blair and Brown have been playing the long game - ensuring that anyone who hates them won't have the skills to do anything about it.
If those guys had gone to a decent privately run educational establishment - say a madrassa in Waziristan - they'd have been far more successful in their chosen career.
UPDATE2 - Lenin : "They are the underachievers of global terrorism".
Rachel : "Cottage-industry terrorism, by under-achievers who are too clueless to so the maths/science stuff about fuel bombs, and who can't drive without crashing into bins, - or so Darwinian-Award dim that they set themselves on fire before throwing the Molotov cocktail ..."
UPDATE3 - Houston, we have a problem.
UPDATE4 - William Rae, Chief Constable of Strathclyde, with a pre-emptive "Muslims fear backlash".
Osama Saeed, Scottish spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, said he was also keeping "optimistic" that the men were not terrorists, and said he would be "astounded" if the facts proved otherwise.
In another development, it emerged that the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, where one suspect in the airport attack was taken, had to be partially evacuated after a "suspicious device" was found on his person. Police refused to confirm that it was a suicide belt.
Eyewitnesses at the airport spoke of incredible scenes as one of the car occupants attempted to throw what appeared to be a petrol bomb into the passenger area after the car rammed the doors.
He emerged from the vehicle and collapsed on the floor with his clothes ablaze, while another man who was in the car was restrained. After airport staff extinguished his burning clothes the man got up and fought with the police shouting "Allah, Allah".
Mohammad Sarwar, Labour MP for Glasgow Central, which is home to the largest Asian community in Scotland, warned against jumping to any conclusions.
I guess I should point out that these are all press reports - although a lot of the detail seems to be from eye-witnesses rather than the police. I still haven't got over the coverage of that dark-skinned guy, wearing a bulky padded jacket on a hot day, who ran from the police and jumped the barriers to get on a tube train.
Nothing special.
3 hours ago