It's odd. For the last 50 years the middle-class Left has bemoaned the absence of spontaneous working-class political self-organisation.
But when it happens, they suddenly discover how much they hate the working class. The people who get all hot and bothered about people being called "chavs" are the same people who in online debate will mock the grammar, spelling and logic of EDL contributors or interviewees. Say what you like about the publicans who put together this (IMHO amusing) video, they don't pretend to be defenders of working people.
But on the "left" ... from Harpy's "ugly and vile" faces, to the bright boys in the video below, they all seem to be piling in. Can't understand it ... can you ?
(hat-tip - Brendan O'Neill in the Telegraph)
Nice Try. 'Guardian' Picture Editor...
2 hours ago