Once upon a time an asylum seeker arrived in the UK from Nigeria with her son, and had her application turned down. Her story was that her husband, chairman of 'a local youth organisation', and daughter had disappeared, and her house had been burned down twice, because of his political views. "
The Home Office disbelieved them, advised them to try ‘other parts of Nigeria’ and locked them up at Oakington Detention Centre."
There must be a gap in the story - and she seems to have been a good networker, because she was soon making useful contacts with the asylum industry in Manchester. At a (tax-funded - by the
AHRC) performance of a play about asylum (by members of the tax-funded University of Manchester department of
Applied Theatre) she met a
25-year old American student :
"I sent a letter to the Home Office on her behalf, urging them to let her and her son stay in the UK in safety."
The main backers of her campaign, however, seem to have been a bunch calling themselves the Revolutionary Communist Group, a smallish
spin-off from the old International Socialists most noted for their
picketing of Jewish-owned shops.
Now the Revolutionary Communist Group are perfectly entitled to call for the abolition of all immigration controls, and to that end support any and every asylum seeker. After all, their political forebears, Revolutionary Communists of various stripes, slaughtered tens of millions of people in their pursuit of a fairer society. Compared to that, building the New Jerusalem by moving half the population of Africa and the Middle East to the UK seems positively benign.
But what sticks in the craw is when the (then-Guardian owned)
Manchester Evening News and the BBC describe such people as 'campaigners' without even mentioning the extreme-left agenda driving the 'campaign'.
Eucharia said: "A lot of my family members have been killed. I do no want to die or lose my son. I want to live here with my son where I will be free from fear."
Campaigners supporting Eucharia and Timeyi held a day of action on Market Street in Manchester city centre and earlier this month staged a campaign meeting at St George's Church, Abbey Hey, to rally local support.
You can see from
this link the power of support from St George's, Abbey Hey. It's closed and up for sale.
The good news was that, 900 letters, from how many people is not known, and 2,250 signatures (ditto) later, the
Government relented :
Under all this pressure, driven by Eucharia’s determination to fight for her and her son’s life and their right to stay in Britain, the Home Office have given in and granted them indefinite leave to remain. Without this campaign, Eucharia and Timeyi would have been deported long ago, facing the same fate as the 18,280 asylum seekers deported last year.
Throughout, Eucharia and Manchester RCG insisted that the campaign should be political, emphasising the link between racism in Britain and British imperialist exploitation abroad such as in Nigeria.
Can't say the RCG are exactly hiding their agenda, can you ?
And there it may have ended. Ms Jakpa, whose husband and daughter apparently disappeared in Nigeria, gave birth to another child in the UK, and was pregnant with yet another, when she decided to
go for a drive.
A woman saved from deportation by a high-profile campaign has been jailed for ten months after killing a child while driving without a licence. Four-year-old Caitlan Fitzhugh, of Coronation Street, Openshaw, was walking hand-in-hand on the pavement with her mum Stacey Strutt when she was hit by a Ford Transit van which mounted the kerb. The van careered into the youngster after being hit by a Ford Focus driven by heavily pregnant Eucharia Jakpa, who had no licence.

Not that a little dead child can remove the aura of saintliness, mind :
Andrew Nuttall, defending, said Mrs Jakpa felt ‘real and heartfelt remorse’, but had originally struggled ‘getting to grips’ with the fact she had taken a life. He admitted she had ‘behaved badly’ by seeking to blame the other driver. But he maintained that the ‘committed Christian’ had understanding of the ‘enormous pain’ felt by Caitlan’s family, since her husband and daughter had been killed in Nigeria.
I don't understand. If she's a 'committed Christian', where have the other child and the pregnancy come from, given that her husband is no longer to be found ? And why did she lie and try to blame the other driver ? Maybe she's not quite as committed as all that - or maybe Andrew Nuttall is just doing for her what Holbein attempted to do for Anne of Cleves.
And most of all, why has she kept schtum about the other people in the car, who
ran off at the scene ?
Jakpa was only a provisional licence holder at the time of the crash and police say she has never provided details for her supervising driver. Two passengers who were in the car at the time ran off after the collision and have never been traced.
Sgt Jeff Hollick, from Greater Manchester Police, said: "Stacey may eventually recover from the physical injuries she suffered but there is no doubt the emotional scars left by the loss of her daughter will remain. Jakpa has never revealed to us whether she had a full licence holder guiding her and nor have the two passengers come forward of their own accord to explain their role, so Jakpa carries the full consequences of that collision on her shoulders."
Just an idea. The two who ran off couldn't have been the long-lost husband and daughter, could they ?