Most of the blogs I've seen think the whole 'sunbathing nurse video' Lynett Burgess story is a storm in a B cup, maybe even another example of the poor prudish Brits, still dreadfully hung up about sex and nudity.
I'd totally disgree. This case sounds to me like another English hippy incomer with all the sensitivity of a rhinoceros, not deliberately upsetting the locals - upsetting them through her sheer ignorance and thoughtlessness. Welsh-speaking culture has never been big on the right to expose yourself to your neighbour's children.
Ms Burgess should move to Bradford and see how she gets on there.
Lethargy and Clarity
3 hours ago
Most problems with neighbours would be greatly reduced if people would just endeavour to mind their own business.
"Good fences make good neighbours" so why not put up a higher fence?
Not today. Go to the law at the drop of a hat or(everything in this case).
Urgh. The converted dyke says, I don't want her sunbathing next to me. If we're doing poor prudish Brits hung up on sex and nudity let's at least have someone Sid James might have "oooooh arrrrrred" at.
"Converted dyke ?" I trust no small Dutch boys were involved in the conversion ...
(like your blog btw)
Two things puzzle me about Britain:
1) Why are nudists (and I mean the fanatical, Guardian reading ones who expose themselves in front of your Grandmother at the drop of a beret) all fat, saggy, 50+ dogs? Why is nothing being done to encourage nubile 20-year old nudists?
2) Why does everyone who has an extremely loud car stereo also have no taste in music? For example, when was the last time you heard someone waiting at traffic lights with Beethoven's "Eroica" symphony blasting out? Is it because I am (not) black?
I cant help feeling that were Julie to resemble Barbara Windsor (to keep the Carry On theme going) in her heyday we wouldnt be hearing too many complaints. Not from me anyway.
Some of it's because fat, saggy fiftysomethings were once beautiful nubile hippies - circa 1973. I know I was.
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