Monday, October 30, 2006

We're Not Having Kids Part 741

"I listen, and after a discussion of her life travels through Italy, through the Middle East, and now in the U.S., she arrives at what brought our life paths together: the threat of radical Islam. Suddenly she changes the subject. 'You must have a child,' she says. 'I only regret one thing in my life, and that is that I do not have children. I wanted them, tried to have them, but I tried too late, and I failed.' 'Darling,' she says, 'it hurts to be alone. Life is lonely. It must be, sometimes. Still I would very much have liked to have a child. I would have liked to pass on life.' She hands me her books, in Italian. Then many life lessons follow. 'Darling, don't let life pass you by.' She refuses to let me say goodbye and invites me to visit her again. This morning I still wanted to visit her again, when I heard, on the radio, that the life of this greatness was over. 'Darling, when the cancer kills me, many will celebrate.' I will mourn her."

— Ayaan Hirsi Ali, on meeting writer Orianna Fallaci before her recent death. via Booker Rising.

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