I can remember definitely one, possibly two girls at Bromsgrove High School having babies (and leaving).
US blogger Sandra Rose on the US high school where 115 out of 800 girls are pregnant. Lordy. Their Prom must be really something.
The school is the Paul Robeson High School. I don't think the great man would be impressed.
I suppose this Robeson song would be most appropriate for the story. But lets have this, which my mother - a great Robeson fan like so many in 1930s South Wales - often sang to her little ones.
(via Booker Rising)
Lethargy and Clarity
13 hours ago
A quick calculation. 800 pupils. 400 female pupils. Approx. 200 female pupils of the age of consent (humour me). 58% of eligible(!) pupils up the duff.
He may have been a great singer, but a great man he was most definitely not.
I have to forget the politics and hear the voice. Even more so with Harry Belafonte.
But even with the politics he was still a great man. As far as my mother and many in Wales were concerned he was 'one of them'.
"That sense of identity and identification is very important from the moment he met unemployed Welsh miners singing in Trafalgar Square in 1929 and then visited them in the Rhondda and the Talygarn Miners’ Rest Home and throughout the 1930s their cause became his cause. In the early 1930s he also sang at Caernarfon. Wrexham, Neath and many other smaller towns. And then there were the two defining moments at Mountain Ash in 1938 and the Rhondda in 1939.
At the Mountain Ash Memorial Concert to the Welshmen who died fighting fascism in Spain he said,
‘I have waited a long time to come down to Wales – because I know there are friends here…..I am here tonight because as I have said many times before, I feel that in the struggle we are waging for a better life an artist must do his part. I am here because I know that these fellows not only died for Spain but for me and the whole world. I feel it is my duty to be here.’
And then in 1939 he starred in Proud Valley which depicted graphically the struggles of South Wales miners. It was the film that approximated best his own values and his own views."
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