Thursday, September 13, 2007

Stale News

So the BNP website is the most popular UK political website, according to Hitwise.

Just like they were (according to Alexa) when I wrote about the site in December 2003.

The reasons I gave at the time still stand, too. The BNP site has news - the others don't. If I want news on a Tory site I'll go to ConservativeHome, likewise Bloggers4Labour.

Mind, the MI5/Searchlight mole in the webmaster's office is doing his best to trash the appeal of the site - recently replacing the story links index on the regional news pages, where the casual browser can at a glance spot anything interesting and click through, with a blog-like set of postings that I have neither the time nor patience to scroll through on the chance that something will jump out.

The Telegraph report is a little confusing :

The study of over eight million internet accounts found that people who struggle to hold down a rewarding or well paying job, and rely on state benefits and the council for their accommodation were most likely to visit the site.

So the readers are the people Labour used to be about, are they ?

The proportion of the site's visitors that come from the middle classes is also increasing: 59pc are from the more affluent ABC1 social groups, and this figure is up from 50pc two years ago, Hitwise said.

I'm sure you can reconcile these two seemingly incompatible statements if the proportion of ABC1s in the population is very large and the number of "people who struggle to hold down a rewarding or well paying job" is very small, but it would be nice to see the underlying data. Alas the Hitwise UK site, likewise the blog of Hitwise analyst Robin Goad, is as bare of information as the cupboard of Old Mother Hubbard.


ba ba said...

My google homepage shows me a list of (most) of the BNP regional news stories.

Anonymous said...

"The study of over eight million internet accounts found that people who struggle to hold down a rewarding or well paying job, and rely on state benefits and the council for their accommodation were most likely to visit the site. "

Hmmm, but they've got a PC and an internet connection. What a load of fabricated bollocks.

Anonymous said...

You say "news"; surely "topical inaccuracies and hyperbole" would be more accurate...

Harry J said...

Anonymous 10.31am - there was a time when I would have agreed with you but I'm afraid you're wrong.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous 10.31am - there was a time when I would have agreed with you but I'm afraid you're wrong. "

I think we can safely say they didn't bother themselves to trace back an IP address to a physical address in a council estate somewhere. They made it up to promote a stereotype of their own imagining.

Who know who visits the BNP website. I'm pretty sure Hitwise don't.

슬롯사이트 said...

Csatlakoztam a rss feed, és várom, hogy keresi több a fantasztikus
post. Továbbá, megosztottam a weboldaladat a közösségi hálózataimba