We spent a weekend there a couple of years ago, and before we left I looked around the shops for a souvenir.
I was looking for a small portrait of Alviso Mocenigo I, the Venetian ruler whose fleet of over 100 galleys formed the nucleus of the Christian forces which defeated the infidel at Lepanto, in the last great battle of oared vessels.
At last I spotted one in an art shop window - a print of Andrea Vicentino's "King Henri III (1551-89) of France visiting Venice in 1574, escorted by Alvise Mocenigo I"
As I entered the shop another customer came in, and reached the counter before me.
"Excuse me", he said, "how much is that doge in the window ?"
Another Sacrifice To The NHS...
7 hours ago
*groan* I suppose that one works better written down.
Yet another one I'm going to use...
I was in Venice last week. There is a boat moored at Santa Elena called "Lepanto". The Italians have long memories, but then so would you if Turkey was just down the Adriatic.
Terrible joke BTW
Funnily enough I was walking past a shop window the other day which was full of miniature models of famous footballers.
I thought my football-daft son would like one, so I pointed out the Stan Collymore model to the shop assistant and . . .
"How much is that dogger in the window ?,
The one with the waggly ..."
Arrrrr....ye ought to be keelhauled for that one, matey!
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