A Tory majority of nearly 8,000 in Crewe is pretty much as bad as it could get for Labour. We now have the pleasure of either watching a leadership challenge (which is what they should do) or watching the great ship, fatally holed, sail on with its increasingly isolated captain a sad and lonely figure on the bridge.
I think Bloggers4Labour might be an entertaining read for the next few days.
It could have been worse for NuLab too. I was surprised the BNP had no candidate - Crewe being one of those towns which has seen a massive increase in (mostly Polish) immigration post-EU enlargement. I think it likely they'd have taken some votes which went to the Tories - but they'd have sheared away the Labour core vote even more - perhaps to below 10,000.
I note that the 'respectable' anti-immigration, out-of-Europe party, UKIP, got exactly 922 votes. It's partly that they just don't seem to be able to speak to working-class Brits (being a pretty (old, respectable) middle-class lot themselves, but perhaps its also that the consistently bad press the BNP get makes them uniquely qualified to pick up the 'up yours - all of you' protest vote.
Given current circumstances, it's impressive that 12,000 people still voted Labour - but their share of the vote dropped 18%. Once a tribal vote goes elsewhere, it may return, but it can never be relied on again.
* Edward Timpson (Con) 20,539 (49.49%, +16.93%)
* Tamsin Dunwoody (Lab) 12,679 (30.55%, -18.29%)
* Elizabeth Shenton (Lib Dem) 6,040 (14.55%, -4.03%)
* Mike Nattrass (UKIP) 922 (2.22%)
* Robert Smith (Green) 359 (0.87%)
* David Roberts (Eng Dem) 275 (0.66%)
* The Flying Brick (Monster Raving Loony) 236 (0.57%)
* Mark Walklate (Ind) 217 (0.52%)
* Paul Thorogood (Cut Tax on Diesel and Petrol) 118 (0.28%)
* Gemma Garrett (Ind) 113 (0.27%)
Told You...
16 hours ago
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is GordyBrooniArse, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
"I was surprised the BNP had no candidate - Crewe being one of those towns which has seen a massive increase in (mostly Polish) immigration post-EU enlargement. I think it likely they'd have taken some votes which went to the Tories - but they'd have sheared away the Labour core vote even more - perhaps to below 10,000.
I note that the 'respectable' anti-immigration, out-of-Europe party, UKIP, got exactly 922 votes. It's partly that they just don't seem to be able to speak to working-class Brits (being a pretty (old, respectable) middle-class lot themselves, but perhaps its also that the consistently bad press the BNP get makes them uniquely qualified to pick up the 'up yours - all of you' protest vote."
Totally disagree with this. The electorate now want rid of Broon and Zanu, so obviously they vote Conservative, but this is mere expediency. Dave and his crew will be every bit as unpopular as Brown and Zanu within 12-18 months of winning an election. It should never be forgotten that the deindustrialised/debt disaster of an economy was the creation of the Tories during the early eighties. Vile as Zanu are they are merely a continuation of this rank treachery.
The Tories can never form a truly national government given their track record of disgusting selfishness which results from their hand-in-glove connection with City parasites. For one thing the Scots, who have a voice, will simply not stand for this and we can expect fireworks, north and south of the border. But this is much more than a crisis of one lib-lab faction, it is the crisis of a system that has no legitimacy and a philosophy that is financially and morally bankrupt stock.
As for UKIP with such an appalling trade balance we need a "free trade" party(fronted up by a City spiv) like we need a hole in the head. The BNP's time will come, it made no sense to stand a candidate now, in an FPTP election. The collapse of "Anglo-Saxon" liberal economics will vindicate the BNP's analysis.
"It should never be forgotten that the deindustrialised/debt disaster of an economy was the creation of the Tories during the early eighties. Vile as Zanu are they are merely a continuation of this rank treachery"
Yep it was the Thatcher govt which globalised the UK economy and abdicated its responsibility to put itsa own people first. NuLabour supporters who bad-mouth Thatcher dont see that Blair and Co have merely carried on the good work.
LT please forgive me if I point out that the Thatcher cabinets were the most Jewish of any British cabinets.
*rolls eyes*
"The collapse of "Anglo-Saxon" liberal economics will vindicate the BNP's analysis."
Right, communists have been waiting for the collapse of liberal economics for over a hundred years now and it still hasn't happened but any day now.
Couldn't theycome up with anything better than reheated Marxism? At least the Greens and christian fundamentalists have original methods of civilisational doom with global warming and the Rapture.
The BNP didn't stand because it is only on rare occasions that they ever stand in by elections for Parliament.
And the Greens got 300-odd votes, which makes their massive representation in the British media look completely ridiculous.
"Right, communists have been waiting for the collapse of liberal economics for over a hundred years now and it still hasn't happened but any day now."
This is not a crisis of capitalism per se, obviously. But of a particularly parasitical variant. What does Mr Goldman Sachs have to say?
"Jim O’Neill, chief economist at Goldman Sachs, who correctly forecast the collapse of the US property market, said that Britain was likely to be the worst hit of the world’s economies in the fallout of the global credit crisis.
Mr O’Neill said that Britain, with its heavy reliance on financial services, was “in the eye of the storm of a delev-eraging world economy”
It is also, in consequence, a crisis for the lib-lab-con system here, as we see from the wallowings in the mire of the hapless Broon.
Zanu PV(postal vote) is forever telling us they are going to start "listening" to the people of this country.
Well here's what a lot of indigenous people are telling them(particularly the despised white working class):
1) We don’t want mass immigration.
2) We don’t want your enriched paradise of diversity.
3) We don’t want your nightmare vision of globalisation (which afflicts us worse than almost any other developed country because of the power of the financial sector within a grossly unequal society)
4) We don’t want crappy minimum wage jobs with no pensions and no prospects whilst the rich gorge themselves.
5) We don’t want handouts(taken with one hand and doled out with the other) from patronising, clueless Nulab politicians whom we are forced to keep in luxury. We don't want to be lectured as to what we should or shouldn't drink and eat by prim, humourless, tight-arsed, mean-minded, box-ticking "cultural-liberal" tossers. If we want to get off our fucking faces to escape your Brave New World, we will - so fuck you!
6) We don’t want to pay penal rates of taxation to provide non-jobs for “Diversity Outreach Co-ordinators” and shitty public services: particularly the chronically bad “education” system which keeps our people down and the woeful "criminal justice" system - a glorified system of outdoor relief for the liberal middle classes very largely
7) We don’t want to be ripped off by bank money-lenders and loan sharks and big business.
8)We don’t want your murderous foreign wars which get our working class lads killed to no purpose.
9) We don’t want the country turned into a dump where the rich barricade themselves behind fences in gated estates and there is an ever nastier dystopia outside.
10) We don’t want to turn into a third world country, we want OUR country back. We don’t want lib-lab-con FULL STOP!
Well blow me down - I write about Gordon Brown and people start counting the number of Jews in Thatchers cabinet. This is why comments are so often off these days.
Whatever happened to judging politicians on their policies not their ethnicity ?
(I agree that the Thatcher govt started many of the bad things that Labour have continued, btw.)
I had that Lord Beaconsfield in the back of the cab the other day etc etc
"This is why comments are so often off these days."
indeed. And why I'm not visting some blogs as often as I used too...
Trouble is Julia one has to face the awful prospect that the world isn't just full of atomized individuals pursuing their selfish ends in a libertarian stylee.
Some groups, nationalities whatever havnt received the directive from libertarian HQ. They are silly enough to think they might have some sort of group identity, heaven forbid even group interests.
The point is Laban that if you want a British govt to govern for the British, people you make sure its full of British patriots. Once it starts to fill up with foreigners whose loyalties lie elsewhere then dont expect things to go well for the indigenous.
The Jews are the most powerful and unassimilable of the aliens who infest this island. They are deeply involved with all the forces which are destroying our kind - banking and finance, mass immigration and the liberal lie of equality. There are several websites which monitor and expose their activities. They always oppose any Euro-nationalist movement whilst backing the same amongst non-Euros. It was inevitable that a Thatcher cabinet whose intellectual guru was Keith Joseph, whose economic inspiration was Milton Friedman and which contained such luminaries as Brittan, Rifkind and Lawson would go down the globalist (read anti-British) path.
However I recognise that you dont welcome such sentiments and certainly I dont wish to deprive everyone of the wisdom of Juliam so I shall keep my thoughts to myself from now on.
Still a top blog LT - carry on the good work.
"It was inevitable that a Thatcher cabinet whose intellectual guru was Keith Joseph, whose economic inspiration was Milton Friedman and which contained such luminaries as Brittan, Rifkind and Lawson would go down the globalist (read anti-British) path."
This needs talking out, againstthewall. You certainly produce some powerful evidence here. But, OTOH there was Mond who helped create the chemical industry, Weinstock who built up GEC - as a bit of an aside the producer of my favourite film "Master and Commander", which has been described, as "an elergy for England was Sam Goldwyn; no miserable liberal worm would have countenanced such as masterpiece.
GEC and ICI have been destroyed by City of London specultor scum - of course there is a Jewish influence here but it is by no means exclusive - in his fine work "Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy" David Cannadine demonstrated the alliance that came into being between City bankers(some Jewish) and aristos in process of selling their landed estates and turning them into shares and bonds and so forth. Here is the genesis of the parasite plutocracy that has done so much harm upon us!
Incidentally I've been reading Thackeray and Collins recently, they essentially share the same view of City speculators I do, they're vermin.
Be that as it may, traitors must be annihilated, but they must be annihilated in an equal ops kind of way - without regard to ethnicity and so on.
I've been suggesting on the BNP site that they take up the cause of the good old English law of Praemunire(extant since the time of Richard II and only finally abolished in 1967 - which I find deeply suspicious). The effect of this would be to make outlaws of all those active complicit in betraying and selling our country out; they would also have their goods and chattels seized as well.
As I've posted here previously liberals want to do the same to us, so it is a case of either we get them or they get us. At the moment we are in a kind of blog war hiatus; but war, of a strange and bitter sort, is coming.
It is the duty of Patriots to support the Resistance in anyway they can.
"Trouble is Julia one has to face the awful prospect that the world isn't just full of atomized individuals pursuing their selfish ends in a libertarian stylee."
Some of these "libertarians" are in fact entirely dictatorial, anon:
"And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain 'natural' beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off." [7]
That's from Andrew Marr, a now deleted entry on wiki - which has been duly noted.
Similarly I've posted before about the snake Willem Buiter - liberal economist,formerly BOE MPC, so highly influential then. Buiter wants patriots(ie those who don't accept liberalism and are determined to take action against it) to be internally exiled to the Outer Hebrides.
So these people are going to need dealing with on grounds:
1) of self-defence. They are the aggressors
2) - where do they think that their third world population replacement policy is actually going to go? Pretty obvious, especially with Islam the dangerous cohesion element in the general toxicity.
3) - of patriotism really, we want to preserve this country for the best of what it has stood for, what it has achieved, and what it could achieve again - after surgery.
This will all come out in the wash of liberal created economic calamity, hopefully the bnp bodging a sufficient hole and the armed forces lending a hand - if anyone has got any better suggestions feel free.
The way to proceed against traitors is to legally extirpate them - shouldn't be necessary to destroy more than the low thousands in total.
My ideas come from the excellent old English practice, how wise our ancestors were! How much inspiration and practical commonsense is to be found there! They have furnished us with excellent weapons if only enough had but the wit to listen!
Praemunire, Impeachment, Attainder.
A combination to shock, awe and terrify the greatest traitor, to make them shrivel with fear!
Beyond that there was the late Roman Republican practice of proscription - much the same as praemunire really: outlawry, forfeiture of goods.
The running dog Buiter was pleased to say that we have no rights in the nation, but private property is sacrosanct. Well he can blow that right out of his arse, because the game isn't going to be played on his terms. The Consuls Gaius Marius and Sulla were wont to distribute the property of proscribed persons to their soldiers. The same should happen again - a distribution of the spoils amongst the soldiers and patriots deemed worthy of reward for their services. As things stand a lot of the homeless are ex-forces, so this should provide a powerful invcentive. It is a good thing for the call of duty to be bolstered with temporal reward! And it is not right that patriots should live on thin air whilst traitors and parasites wax fat.
Sgt Troy, you should really have your own blog mate.
Julia, Im coming round to the idea that if you want a reasonably freewheeling libertarian/capitalist state you need it to be pretty well ethnically homogeneous.
If you want a reasonably egalitarian/socialist state you need it to be pretty well ethnically homogeneous too.
Anyone on right or left who claims to want those political outcomes but wants include racial diversity as well is someone who wants either a Brazil; social mobility but with nearly all white at the top nearly all brown at the bottom. Or an India, each caste fitting into its niche. All that lovely resentment, you can feel the vibrancy.
Those are the outcomes we are moving towards.
Any libertarian (or liberal) who claims its all about who works hard etc or a socialist who claims to be a colour blind egalitarian working for equal outcomes is in effect lying - at least to themselves because thats the future they are building for us.
India & Brazil are the best we can hope for from multiracialism. Thats not an endorsement btw!
Ive only just cottoned on - Sgt Troy is a character out of Far From the Madding Crowd - your alter ego LT? ;)
In fact that would be alter alter ego!
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