Tristram Hunt, NuLabour historian (but at least he is one - of the Victorian era) points out in the Observer that "claiming that a Muslim navy helped England to defeat the Spanish Armada is not the way to promote harmonious multiculturalism", before
a) saying something that doesn't exactly accord with the facts, to put it kindly :
Brotton's point was that while the correspondence had long been known about, previous historians had rarely highlighted this level of Muslim-Christian exchange.
Cobblers. Brotton's point was "It's the Turks Wot Won It".
b) regurgitating the myth
"This Anglo-Ottoman alliance helped to divert the Spanish fleet, weaken the Armada and save England from Catholic reconquest."
See the previous 500 posts. Once a liberal myth starts, what in Gods name do we have to do to kill it - bury it at a crossroads with a stake through its heart ? Like George Bush's plastic Thanksgiving turkey, the myth has a life of its own - because it's what (some) people want to hear.
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"Once a liberal myth starts, what in Gods name do we have to do to kill it - bury it at a crossroads with a stake through its heart ? Like George Bush's plastic Thanksgiving turkey, the myth has a life of its own - because it's what (some) people want to hear."
As the Earl of Essex put it in the case of Strafford: "stone dead hath no fellow".
The only way to stop these traitors and their myths is to chop up them up into little pieces, preferably with the "national weapon", the 1796 issue cavalry sword.
Mine is razor sharp of course.
Well done, Laban, you are a fine fellow and have done your country good service here. The rats are on the run.
This milkmaid Hunt is perhaps not much preferable to Brotton, see what he says about Francis on CIF. He reminds of that jumped up clever dick, feelosopher, Farfrae, of cursed memory.
"Most historians have long regarded the legend of Sir Francis Drake finishing his game of bowls before despatching the Spanish navy as not quite the whole story of 1588. Technology, meteorology and Lord Effingham's strategy of harassment played a far more instrumental role than any heroics from Drake. Indeed, Drake's efforts on the day are now regarded as rather cowardly, with much of this sleazy pirate's hagiography the 19th-century invention of patriotic, Protestant myth-makers."
Firstly he is obviously well aware of the difference between a pirate and a privateer, the latter a licensed by the Crown under letters of marque to pray upon enemy shipping. So the fact he sees fit to elide this proves beyond doubt that he is simply disingenuous, and like all liberal traitors is all too ready to traduce our heroes and denigrate the history of our country during its transformation to toxic cesspit "paradise of diversity".
What is the most "challenging" event in milkmaid Hunt's lfe where he had to demonstrate extreme determination in the face of utmost peril? Being served a lukewarm latte?
Has the milkmaid ever sailed a fleet into a hostile, defended port destroying enemy ships and naval stores(singeing the King of Spain's beard)?
Has he circumnavigated the globe, rounded the Horn, engaged the Queen's enemies in hostile seas and territories and returned, in triumph, loaded with treasure?
Bold ventures, undertaken at utmost peril.
No, he bloody well hasn't.
Tales of cowardice may reflect jealousy, if I remember rightly Drake did allow his eye for profit to get the better of him during the Channel battle when he took a Spanish galleon("Rosario") And Martin Frobisher threatned to "spend the best blood in his belly if he thought to cozen him out of his share".
Such were the men, such were the times. These were Englishmen of spirit, who hazarded all in the service of their country and their religion - if they filled their pockets with gold, why, they deserved it. This more more than you can say for tax-eating liberal milksops.
Nor has he held a summary trial of his ships chaplain for preaching a disrespectful sermon, addressing him thus "Francis Fletcher, I do here excommunicate thee out of the Chirch of God ... and I denounce thee to the devil and all his angels"
However I do not in principle approve of chopping unarmed men up with cavalry swords.
"However I do not in principle approve of chopping unarmed men up with cavalry swords."
Would you rather they were armed then?
One has to decide whether one proceeds on practical grounds, or on principle. And what these principles are likely to cost. The indications are that the cost of them is likely to be quite disasterous. Throughout our history we have had men who understood this; hard men, battle winners like the Elizabethans, or Alfred or Cromwell or Sir Arthur Harris.
Cromwell said "necessity hath no law", and no truer 4 words have ever been spoken.
If the country is going to be saved, then measures of a harsh character will have to taken. Only this will give a chance of restoring normal service, the alternative is a hellish descent, as I think you know well enough yourself, Laban
Thanks for this from Jeremy Hardy, Laban
"If you just took everyone in the BNP and everyone who votes for them and shot them in the back of the head, there would be a brighter future for us all." Hartup says that the statement breaches the Public Order Act.
One would assume that absolutely no action was taken against Hardy whatsover.
What he and his crew stand for is a toxic, anarchic, hell-hole where the indigenous people are destroyed. And given the opportunity they would have no hesitation in using Stalinist methods to bring their vision about.
The cyber-war will spill over, a choice is going to have to be made. The army will be absolutely key.
Its like the marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima. A daring leftie will plant a contentious anti-white flag in the middle of some otherwise hostile piece of history and....thats it. Then the myth begins to run on its own. Its amazing really.
The Eqyptians who built the pyramids were black. No, they werent and there is no evidence to prove they were but the idea is mentioned here and there gradually gaining currency.
Once there is enough tacit support for the idea, however vague, it then becomes racist to refute it. Job done.
Forgot to add this.
Who but a hard hearted racist would want to argue with the authors of this page:
"Anonymous said...
Its like the marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima. A daring leftie will plant a contentious anti-white flag in the middle of some otherwise hostile piece of history and....thats it. Then the myth begins to run on its own. Its amazing really......"
You can hardly compare Bottler Brotton with the US Marines at Iwo Jima. They raised the flag and held the territory, they didn't just sneakily plant it, then pxss off somewhere.
Sorry. When we start killing unarmed people our culture is destroyed anyway. We managed to avoid it during the last civil war, apart from Cromwell's boys slaughtering some Irish camp-followers (Naseby ?)
With all respect I really can do without that kind of chat on my blog. It frightens the horses, quite apart from anything else.
"Sorry. When we start killing unarmed people our culture is destroyed anyway."
What do you call Jeremy Hardy's "proposition" then?
Make no mistake, given the chance, people like him would do it.
As it happens what will be preferable is a tribunal process whereby traitors get their just desserts. Some executions, and a great many proscriptions. Obviously random action would be most undesirable. Troy was letting his natural, rather unbounded, enthusiasms get the better of him - he was like that of course.
In order to survive it is sometimes necessary to proceed, ruthlessly, to protect that which is worth preserving. The strong survive, the weak go to the wall.
What is in process here is a potential Hobbesian nightmare with nothing hold it together, and anarchy the end result.
Beirut and Baghdad
You are being a little unkind. Hunt seems to be shedding his woolly liberal fleece.
Sorry for the Iwo Jima reference then.
I wasnt implying any bravery on the part of the multicultists - just the act of staking a claim to a piece of history. Brotton et al are more akin to a bunch of gyppos fly-tipping in a country lane if you want a better analogy.
Michael Henchard - Agree with every word.
BTW - on the tangent of George Bush's "plastic" turkey, the rumour at the time was also that he had ordered the troops to get up at 3 a.m. to pretend to eat their Thanksgiving dinner for his photo ops.
This was because bright, ignorant eyes in the US had spotted that the early a.m. news in the US carried the story during which the troops were indeed enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner with the President, and these little theorists sincerely didn't know there was an eight hour time difference between American EST and Iraqi time. Duh. The troops were having their Thanksgiving dinner at about the time they would have been having it back home. But the myth stuck.
I agree that all this talk of violence is disconcerting BUT I also believe that we are only a few years away from real racial , as opposed to anti-Police, conflict in this country and the rest of Europe.
btw, Western historiography is unique. No other culture is so open and critical of it's own and everyone else's past. It is one of the West's great intellectual achievements.
Jockney - The real conflict will come in the northern European countries, specifically Britain, Denmark, Holland and Norway.
"the pen is mightier than the sword"
In which case these liberal writers are far from 'unarmed' they cause more damage to our national story that a terrorist bomb.
"Dave said...
"the pen is mightier than the sword"
In which case these liberal writers are far from 'unarmed' they cause more damage to our national story that a terrorist bomb."
Indeed this is so, they could well be seen as enemy combatants, just in fact as the Jesuits were regarded at the time of the Armada. Laban did fine service in bringing the following to our attention:
"Article 7.2 "Indigenous peoples have the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security as distinct peoples"
Article 8.1 "Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture."
Article 8.2 "States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for:
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(d) Any form of forced assimilation or integration;"
As we know we will be a minority in our own country by the end of this century at the latest. This is genocidal and illegal under international law, to say nothing of the appalling nightmare reality of such a prospect, liberals though believe this to be "progressive" and consider those who resist this evil insanity part of the "reactionary blogsphere" for instance. Liberal writers, like Brotton, are a breed of enemy combatant guilty of complicity in this genocide, softening us up with a barrage of disingenuous spin. They are not content with merely killing the head of state and importing the Inquisition as was the projected case in 1588. No,they want to destroy the native people of these Islands. They are malignants and traitors all.
Laban doesn't seem to be following though on the logic of what he, himself, posts.
Far as I'm concerned traitors have no rights, though dealing with this should not be excessively messy. One thing is certain, the longer it's left the worse it will be.
Thanks for your comments
"Jockney - The real conflict will come in the northern European countries, specifically Britain, Denmark, Holland and Norway."
Verity, why do you put Norway in your list? I would have thought Sweden a more likely country. Norway does not have a situation comparable to Malmo for example.
Alan G - Sweden is already dhimmified and it's too late. The Norwegians are far more robust people.
One of the ministers in the Swedish government - I do not recall the name - gave the islamics some whacking great advantage - sorry; can't remember what that was either because it was a couple of years back, but I am certain Fjordman has commented on it - and - get this! - this was his formal announcement:
"We must be kind to the muslims now so that they will be kind to us when they are in the majority."
I'm not going to Google it for you, but I am sure it is findable.
Not only did this turn my stomach, but it demonstrated, in all its blazing stupidity, ignorant Western liberal thought which cannot think outside the box of its own mores. If he had known the tiniest facts about islam, he would have known that there are no grades of "kindness".
Subjugation is not negotiable in islam. You acknowledge allah as your diety. If you absolutely do not want to, there are two routes. Death. Or dhimmitude, where you acknowledge your inferior status as a non-muslim, go backwards in every queue as muslims have the right to step in front of you, accord muslims right of passage on the pavement by stepping off humbly as they pass, and so forth through a formal list of rules, paying a special tax for being accorded the privilege of remaining alive - the jizya - and many other subjugations and humiliations day after day for the rest of your life.
This is the future, apparently, that the Swedish government has mapped out for the Swedes.
That is why I suggest that the most robustly independent peoples in Northern Europe are the British, the Danes, the Dutch and the Norwegians. These are the only countries - although I don't include Britain in this where freedom of speech on this is limited - which have national leaders who refuse to toe the islamic line.
We must speak out against the importation of a dangerous, backward, ambitious and controlling belief system.
And let us not forget, the Swedes remained neutral during WWII.
What more need I say?
The only way to stop these traitors and their myths is to chop up them up into little pieces, preferably with the "national weapon", the 1796 issue cavalry sword.
Mine is razor sharp of course.
You know some people would have said "that Jeremy Hardy he makes me so mad sometimes I feel I could kill him" but you don't. You go way beyond that into fetishising the actual details of the kill.
Way to go. That will convince the people on the fence that "ours" is the side to back.
Anonymous 7:25 - While having no opinion on the post you cite, I do take issue with your statement: "That will convince the people on the fence that "ours" is the side to back."
There is no one on the fence regarding this issue. No one is undecided. One is either a follower of the New World Order of international socialism, or one wants one's culture and one's country protected from aggressive aliens.
Clearly, you're one of the former.
Nothing new under the sun:
Mrs Margaret McKay, the Labour MP who is setting up an Arab "centre for cultural affairs" in London, is reported to have said that it is her Irish ancestry which has made her such a keen champion of the Arabs against Israel.
"I've studied the movement of the tribes and you can trace their migration from the Middle East to Ireland. Of course this was 4,000 years ago, but the Arabs and the Irish are definitely related."
Allowing for possible mis-quotation, errors in transmission, static electricity and so on, to all of which Mrs McKay seems peculiarly prone, her theories still echo the latest historical thinking. Some scholars, for instance, now believe there was no need for the Arab tribes to migrate from Ireland at all, since the Middle East was in Ireland, staring them in the face, all the time, mainly in the area of what is now Mullingar Junction.
The Middle East gradually moved to its present position and caught up with the bewildered Arabs during the next 4,000 years, mainly through Continental Drift. But the Arabs have never forgotten their original homeland, as many a Hanrahan's Select Bar or Herlihy's Family and Commercial Hotel still bears witness from Benghazi to Baghdad.
Peter Simple, 1969
Mrs McKay is clearly a dozy bint.
I would respect her more if she stuck by her principles and went to live in an arab/muslim country and found just how far her Irishness got her. Or at the very least went to Ireland and peddled her crap there.
Anonymous 12:24 - Yes,but if she went to Ireland to peddle her crap, she might find out that the Middle East had already moved on to Greenland and begun to cross the north Atlantic to colonise America, diguised as Vikings.
This would leave Mrs McKay crapless.
Perhaps drawing and quartering (after a suitable trial of course --we Anglo-Saxons do believe in rule of law) for traitors and then the displaying of each quarter-bit in the four corners of the land? If the "human rights" groups squawk, tell 'em it's a long-standing indigenous cultural practice of the indigenous English, and of course we all must be super, super respectful of indigenous cultural practices, mustn't we? And if you wanted to go back even further in time in the culture of the indigenous Brits, you could build a wicker man. . .
Why are all indigenous cultures sacred except that of one small peninsula jutting off the Western edge of Asia? Will the lefties please answer that one?
"Anonymous said...
The only way to stop these traitors and their myths is to chop up them up into little pieces, preferably with the "national weapon", the 1796 issue cavalry sword.
Mine is razor sharp of course.
You know some people would have said "that Jeremy Hardy he makes me so mad sometimes I feel I could kill him" but you don't. You go way beyond that into fetishising the actual details of the kill.
Way to go. That will convince the people on the fence that "ours" is the side to back."
This would be the side that would like to see 800000 BNP voters with a bullet in the back of the head, according to Hardy. How fetishistic, how Stalinist is that?
And as for the liberal left's committment to a free society let's see what Andrew Marr had to say:
"And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain 'natural' beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off." [7]
Leading liberal-leftists are traitors, partly through evil design and partly through trademark stupidity.
Complicit in the genocide of our people they will turn this land into a hell on earth, Beirut and Baghdad.
The country is held in trust from our ancestors, many of whom gave their lives to defend it. It is like a house. How grateful would one's children be if one left them a house with the roof half off, the sewers collapsed, the windows out and squatted by dangerous aliens?
Not very I fancy. Traitors have no rights. They should be proceeded against with vigour, I hope that is what happens.
Susan is right, the traditional punishment for traitors was hanging, drawing and quartering, reserved for great traitors of course. And clearly there must be a process. I would like to see lesser traitors and malignants dealt with by forms of proscription which would involve loss of property and civil rights.
An excellent move would be to restore the ancient law of Praemunire first enacted in the reign of Richard II and aimed at Papal enchroachment in England
"The penalties which were attached to the offence under this statute involved the loss of all civil rights, forfeiture of lands, goods and chattels, and imprisonment during the royal pleasure."
It would be splendid to proceed against that aged traitor Sir Bernard "Britain has always been multicultural" Crick on this basis
"Sorry. When we start killing unarmed people our culture is destroyed anyway."
And I thought this was a pro-capital punishment blog...
"With all respect I really can do without that kind of chat on my blog. It frightens the horses, quite apart from anything else."
I was however perfectly aware that this blog held not giving the poor liberal dears a shock as the highest value.
I was however perfectly aware that this blog held not giving the poor liberal dears a shock as the highest value.
I think Laban is more worried about getting the blog being shut down or filtered for encouraging 'hate crime' or some such. He's already been removed from Google search engine at least once this year.
"Moriarty said...
I was however perfectly aware that this blog held not giving the poor liberal dears a shock as the highest value.
I think Laban is more worried about getting the blog being shut down or filtered for encouraging 'hate crime' or some such. He's already been removed from Google search engine at least once this year."
That's interesting, of course liberals do not, as far as I am aware, constitute a group protected from "hate".
But Hardy can talk of 800000 getting a bullet in the back of their heads and that is provocative political satire apparently, intended to shock....
"A statement from the station read: "Political satire is, by its nature, provocative and Jeremy Hardy's comment needs to be seen in context.
"In this edition he wasn't inciting anyone to violence, he was lampooning the attitudes of the left and its attempts to rationalise all types of behaviour and views, in this case, those of the BNP.
"However, in doing so, the programme used imagery which crossed the fine line between what is acceptable and what is not and we regret the offence this caused."
So why can't Sgt Troy use similar shock tactics based upon his noted swordsmanship?
It will be recalled that at Green Lane Mosque a "cleric" said that, come the day, "kaffirs" would be killed "not unjustly". But apparently, according to the Police and various drivelling liberal apoplogists, he didn't mean it. No, his words must be set in context. True none of the tapes have been released, and we are seemingly meant to take this on trust.
However we must not upset liberals too much, even if they are traitors complicit in our destruction, and context is required, as has been made clear in subsequent posts on this thread the preferred option is treason trials, which may well result in executions, and most certainly the revival of those ancient laws whereby they may be stripped of civil rights and property.
Once we had good laws in England, and we knew how to deal with traitors. One hopes this estimable heritage may be revived.
Michael Henchard: "Once we had good laws in England, and we knew how to deal with traitors. One hopes this estimable heritage may be revived."
No, it will not be revived before we have a complete breakdown of civil order in Britain, and that will come, although I don't know how long it will take.
Let "immigration" (invasion by uninvited aliens) continue for another few years and it will come sooner rather than later.
This fascist,thought-controlling government is going to make it a seven-year imprisonment offence to mock a homosexual. This makes it, in today's Britain, a more important offence than murder. This is a typical, socialist, destabilising operation. Turn values upside down and enforce the new values by rigid law.
Obviously, it's not right to make fun of homosexuals - although, God knows, they can be hysterically funny about themselves - but good manners come from within, within a climate of tolerance.
This government doesn't give a toss about homosexuals or blacks or islamics. They are a rod with which to control the population of Britain. End of story.
This One Worlder socialist government is so intolerant of opposing views, it chills the blood. Fortunately, with an insecure nut job like Brown in charge, we may not have long to wait as he pushes the population into an ever-righter corner.
Laban, other people have their blogs hosted overseas. Why not you?
This blog is hosted overseas.
I thought servers were in Texas. That was probably before google bought them though. Could be all over the place now.
Strangely, I can still comment. If you are afraid of getting shut down for hate speech, Laban, then I sincerely suggest that you simply cease blogging. Trying to dodge the censors by means of hints and knowing winks will only make your side look cowardly and like it's unwilling to subject its ideas to the light of scrutiny.
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