Is Britain full of no-go areas ? ask the BBC.
Read the responses and you'll see for each area at least two respondents considering emigration.
More Worthless Tick-Boxing Drain On Retailers Time
10 hours ago
"Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold" - W.B. Yeats. "We're doomed !" - Private Frazer. "Like scrolling through a decade's worth of Daily Mail editorials in 20 minutes" - TheLoonyFromCatford
Want to move somewhere free of crime? Want to be somewhere where the ordinary pressures of life in Blair's Britain fade away?
Then, why not move to:
Is this the same BBC whose left/liberal world view thinks crime is an imaginary hysteria whipped up by the Daily Mail?
Or is the tide of crime and anti-social behaviour lapping the shores of Islington and Hampstead, and finally they are starting to get what everyone else has had for decades?
How long will it be before the UK becomes the penal colony of Europe and all the EU criminals will be housed here???
Well, it'll be the answer to Europes jail shortages.
Already happened, nannette
Criminals freed to celebrate EU move
Nannette - Britain is already Ellis Island and now you want it to be Alcatraz as well ?
Interesting site - it is good to hear the News that is censored out of Official Media - I am just surprised the BNP did not create their own Blog to get such stories and videoclips
"Or is the tide of crime and anti-social behaviour lapping the shores of Islington and Hampstead"
My sons - then teenagers - were mugged in Islington and Hampstead (in separate incidents) about 15 years ago by thugs who happened to be black. The police involved in both incidents claimed to know who had committed the crimes but, strangely, no-one was arrested, let alone brought to "justice" (or even an ID parade).
At the time I didn't pursue the matter and, anyway, my sons preferred to "move on", grateful to have escaped with their lives. One of the policeman told me - quite off the record - that he had been advised to lay off street criminals who were black to avoid (political) trouble for the police (from who I wonder: no-one with this chancer's pedigree) I'm sure: and this was when Michael Howard was Home Secretary. Even then the Home Office (and the Met) were crap.
I think sir Ian Blair lives in Hampstead.
Only two respondents wish to leave the country, there must be something wrong there...
Foxy Brown said:
"I think sir Ian Blair lives in Hampstead."
Well, if that is true then it explains a great deal.
"I think sir Ian Blair lives in Hampstead"
I bet he doesn't get any cash out of the NatWest ATM in the High Street (if it's still there) without an escort of Hampstead's finest.
It's hard to shake off the feeling that we are watching and unfortunately living through the collapse of civilisation. (Woe! Woe and thrice woe!)
I am truly afraid for my children's future.
i've saved a few of those pages to my hard drive in case the BBC pulls them.
the London one is an eye opener
Never mind no-go areas: Roy Hattersley seems to think we're in a state of civil war, "sudden strikes against occupying forces" - in Birmingham!
And for once Roy is pretty close to being right. Ethnic minority groups commit racially targeted crimes against whites, agitate for more government assistance for themsleves, and run illegal operations to let more of their ilk in - bringing in the reinforcements, so to speak.
Have you heard of white flight? What happens is that a few ethnics move into a formally white neighbourhood, with the residents pussying out of objecting due to the social (and legal) pressures in favour of mixing and their own useless racial autism. The ethnics then make life unliveable, playing ghetto music, committing random petty crimes, etc, etc. The residents start to move out, to be immediately replaced by more of that ethnic group.
Have you looked at the rate of emmigration *out of* England? In a sense, white flight is also happening at the national level.
Is all this civil war like enough for you yet? Course it's not, 'cause there's one ingredient missing: one side simply isn't fighting. And as long as we don't fight, this won't be a war: it'll be a hunting expedition for our good friends, the invaders.
Have a nice day, gents, and make sure you don't vote for that 'silly joke of a party'. I mean, I know they're the only ones protesting against this dispossession of your kind. But they are fascists, diss Churchill and might even, lord forbid, raise taxes. Much, much better to go to our collective grave mouthing pieties about the just war, the greatest Brit and the invisible hand then to let ourselves vote for that, eh?
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