Thursday, January 18, 2007

"children uprooted by war"

But Angola, the report says, is "the worst place in the world to be a child".

Three decades of strife have left a million young people homeless and exposed to bombardment, landmines and chronic disease.

So we accepted young Roberto Malasi as a refugee. Aaah !

Pity about Ruth Okchukwuh. And Zainab Kolokoh.

The jury in the trial concerning Ms Kalokoh was not told that two weeks after her murder on September 11 2005, the defendant dragged student teacher Ruth Okechukwu from a car and stabbed her through the heart.

The court heard Malasi had accused Miss Okechukwu of disrespecting him, following a telephone conversation with one of her friends.


Anonymous said...

"disrespect". Actually, I think he means "fear", the disgusting animal. As if any civilised human being could even begin to respect something like him.

Still, there are now tens of thousands like him in this country, who have done nothing worthwhile, and will never do anything worthwhile, useless and dangerous, all of them demanding "respect".

Anonymous said...

He can go and demand "respect" in his own country among his own deeply primitive people. All civilisations are not equal.

I would demand death.

Both requests are unlikely to be acceeded to. For justice, away from the Sovietesque EU,you must go to any number of states in the US.

Anonymous said...

We are constantly told that refugees add to the society that takes them in, that they do tasks that the existing population won't do, etc...

Surely we already have a handful of savage, murderous thugs born here, and therefore no need to import more?