The comments on the local newspaper are interesting, if you ignore the idiots :
From A Ridgeway Pupil at 1.44 :
"I am one of the pupils and i know full well why they made they attack, the "asian invasion" want to be the new maffia, the kids in our year and school are always bragging about their cousins fights and how they aren't to be messed with; thus thinking this, they think they are above everybody else and can do what they like. At school they are given VIP treatment, they say jump and the teachers say "how high," and the reason why they did this to Henry was because they barged into one another, accidental, in the corridor at morning break. Whilst three of the year nines (apart of the asian invasion) were provoking a fight, Henry laughed at them and tried walking away, with the three of them still at it, he pushed them off of him and carried on walking. Then the three boys contacted their families and suddenyl the push turned into a "punch" to the face because he was pakistani.
So tell me, this isn't racially motivated and that was a decent reason to do what he did."
From Ridgeway Pupil at 2.03:
I find it disguisting that all he has been given is GBH. I attended school on friday and through whatever means (internet and work of mouth) these older Asian Invasioners said "if we see your face on the news or name in the papers, we will do the same to you and it will be worse." Students are too scared to attend school, whitnesses (200+) are tramatised and parents are outraged. This has been going on for long enough, it started off they physically and verbally bullied the younger white boys, they then brought knives into school, they taunted other indian boys who aren't apart of the gang, calling them "white wannabes" and betrayers, and only a couple a months ago one of their dads assulted a teacher and put a kid in hospital. All linked, all formulating from racism and never ever named and shamed. Nothing was done when a cousin who was in their 20s broke a year 11s jaw so i ask you, if they get away with this AGAIN what will be next? Death is what. The head has quoted on a day to day basis of the running of Ridgeway, there is no racism, which is complete and utter bull. It infuriates me that the teachers try brainwashing everybody who isnt apart of this group that it isnt racism when we try voicing about this group, bu the minute they accuse any others of racism, numerous people are expelled and excessive, unneeded action is ALWAYS taken. It infuriates me completly and the school are too scared to take fair a just action against them incase they are labelled "racist." They have the upper hand of this school and they controll the running of it, it isnt fair and it had gone on long enough.
Either they go, or i know alot of other students a I will go elsewhere.
UPDATE - From worried at 7.22 pm 14 Jan :
I have two children at this school, and I have been hearing about this so called "Asian Invasion" group from them for some time now. I feel ashamed that I played down the stories that my children have brought home because I honestly thought that they must be exaggerated, (surely if they had been true then the Head would have acted accordingly to stamp out such racist behaviour). I feel have let down my kids by not complaining to the school before this had to happen, but more importantly, I am angry that all of the kids at Ridgeway have been let down in this way because those in charge did not have the skills, the vision, or the courage to deal with this racial hatred before it went this far. I am also saddened that the justice system has let us all down with the GBH charge. I will not be joining the BNP, I will not be changing my ideals that on the whole we are all decent human beings no matter what colour we are, but I will be protesting to make sure that racist attacks on whites are taken as seriously as those attacks on blacks/asians in the future.
UPDATE2 - from This Is Wiltshire :
From asian at 11.52 am 15/1/07 :
Well said John i am an Asian young female and it was Racist the group are called the Asian Invasion they are bragging about this on a web site called Bebo. I do not mix with these sort of people but i do agree with you it was and is a racist gang.
Posted by: anon on 12:53pm today :
thease boys who attacked this lad have things on there bebo that shocked me for instance, one lad left comment saying lol (laugh out loud) i got arrested for gbh. Not funny at all. also one lads video showed the twin towers coming down, until somebody threatened him that he would be reported. I beleive this was racially motivated as thease asian lads appear to be racist.I have children in this school and am worried about about the repecussions .
thease boys who attacked this lad have things on there bebo that shocked me for instance, one lad left comment saying lol (laugh out loud) i got arrested for gbh. Not funny at all. also one lads video showed the twin towers coming down, until somebody threatened him that he would be reported. I beleive this was racially motivated as thease asian lads appear to be racist.I have children in this school and am worried about about the repecussions.
Posted by: Tony on 1:41pm today :
As a parent with pupils at Ridgeway School l wish Henry a full and speedy recovery! We are all naturally appalled with the nature and ferocity of this attack and that it happened in the percieved safety of school grounds in full view of horrified pupils and parents, some of these will also bear the emotional scars of what unfolded for the rest of their lives! I disagree that the school have a racial problem the majority of pupils some of mixed ethnic groups do mix and get on well together it is only a very small element that seem to think it appropriate to phone older relatives/friends everytime they have an issue with another pupil that they cannot handle. Sooner the school deal with these the better. Only GBH?? Sorry bringing a hammer to a fight is pre-meditated and surely if you bludgeon a defenceless boy in this manner the charge must be attempted murder! Roles reversed, 7/8 white on asian would be classed by the Police, Community leaders etc as a racist attack - sorry gone to far the other way for me.
Posted by: jo on 4:40pm today :
This behaviour is appauling. The police/courts should issue a more severe punishment to all the youths involved in this incident. By the gang calling themselves the 'asian invasion' and having these bebo websites should be enough for the police to charge them with something more than GBH surly.
This behaviour is appauling. The police/courts should issue a more severe punishment to all the youths involved in this incident. By the gang calling themselves the 'asian invasion' and having these bebo websites should be enough for the police to charge them with something more than GBH surly.
Posted by: sally on 4:45pm today
Now these posts may not be genuine. They could all be cunningly inserted lies, set up by troublemakers determined to undermine community relations. But the comments about double standards and teachers being scared of the r-word (professional and social death for a teacher to get this tag) ring true. And in the spelling and grammar I detect the authentic voice of the British education system.
Told You...
16 hours ago
Agreed. It was the grammar and spelling that convinced me they were written by products of the current English "education" system. Also the phrase, "work of mouth" has a stamp of genuine ignorance about it.
When is the government, any government, going to understand that these people are here as invaders, not as genuine immigrants, and should be removed in huge numbers? This is the fruit of Blair's cowardly appeasement.
The only "community relations" I am interested in developing is this muslim community being returned to its relations in whatever primitive hell hole they crawled out of.
I'd like to know what's going to happen to the crawling, cowardly headmaster who stated for the record that it wasn't a racist attack. I hope he is pursued by the parents, who ought to band together and sue the school and the headmaster. He has failed to provide adequate protection for the children in his care, and then lied about his failure. He is personally responsible.
It will only take three or four well-publicised instances of parents suing schools and head teachers for incidents like this to turn this appalling situation around.
"I'd like to know what's going to happen to the crawling, cowardly headmaster who stated for the record that it wasn't a racist attack."
Probably nothing. If the parents get together & get him successfully rejected from the current school (and that will cost them money, while his costs are paid for by the taxpayer), he will simply be parachuted into another one, at the same salary. Probably with his relocation expenses paid for by the Department of Education...
At the very least, we can hope that the media and bloggers take note of his name for the next incident (and there will be one, I suspect). Google has a long memory...
Verity - all this 'primitive hell hole' stuff. There are plenty of decent Muslims in this country - I know some of them.
There are also some bad hats - and some bad cultural bits. Given the way our rulers appease bad hats from the native community, I suppose we shouldn't expect much for 'bme' bad hats. But what I do object to is media reporting that jumps on a story of native attacking minority "like frat boys on a drunken cheerleader" while looking the other way if natives are victims. It's just not fair - and Brits like fairness.
But this biased reporting is the work of (in the main) guilty white liberals, who think that working class whites will be lynching people in the streets if they're told the truth. So the basic problem is "us", not "them". Look at the headmaster of Ridgeway school for a prime example.
The Headteacher will have an LEA official sitting on his head telling him exactly what to say.
This is a Democratic Centralist Society just as the USSR was.......if you doubt this country will end up like the GDR you need to start observing the creeping bureaucratisation of the whole society
Laban - I'm not going to repeat myself with all my original arguements, which I made on, I think, another blog, because I don't want to sound lecturey and know-it-allish - but I do not believe these indigenous liberals are self-haters or self-loathers. As I said, perhaps on The Croydonian, look at the malicious, self-regarding face of Jon Snow and tell me he hates himself. He admires himself for his lofty disdain for what "the little people" - those who are not great souls like himself - think. These people are not self-haters. They are much more dangerous.
Yes, I have lived in two Muslim countries, Laban,and am well aware that there are some perfectly pleasant Muslims, many of them with a very good sense of humour. But - if they are Muslim, they believe that the world must become dar-es-salaam, by force if necessary. That is THE basic tenet of their religion. They cannot be a muslim if they do not believe this, any more than one could be a Christian while denying that Christ was a historical figure who really lived.
The intention is to force the West to become part of the ummah.
JuliaM - I mentioned before that the parents should sue this head teacher personally. They should sue the LEA, obviously, but they should also sue the head teacher. His dereliction of duty to the children under his care is deplorable and, I'm sure, actionable.
I don't think that Laban is saying that the "elite" hate themselves personally. They hate the culture that they were born into and blame it for the problems of the world. "Self hater" is shorthand for this POV.
It's quite plausible to have, like John Snow, an inflated sense of one's own worth concurrently with deploring the very society that made one's success possible.
John M - You may have a legitimate point. I don't know what they would find to hate in our history, though. I think they are the seem sneering people who feel superior to everyone else who populated the '20s and '30s. Bertrand Russell, the Mitfords, etc. They feel they belong to an enlightened elite.
Laban, you might want to go over to Iain Dale's on the "How to Manufacture A Row" thread (re the golliwog story). Someone has mentioned Biased BBC and says it has no credibility.
"Someone has mentioned Biased BBC and says it has no credibility."
If they are the regulars at Tim Worstall's site (Jim & Matthew - or 'Matthtew' as he twice dubbed himself the other day; clearly another product of a comprehensive education) who leap to the Beeb's defence at every opportunity, I wouldn't take too much notice.
They are pretty deficient in the credibility stakes themselves, and not averse to a Beeb-like selective quoting of the facts whenever they think they can get away with it...
Well, Julia M, you are correct. I went back and checked and yes, it was Matthew.
As I said, perhaps on The Croydonian, look at the malicious, self-regarding face of Jon Snow and tell me he hates himself.
John Snow is simply the son of an Anglican Bishop who was a Headmaster of a Public School and a friend of Harold Macmillan.
Snow is Establishment and always wanted to rebel, but he is still Establishment and like the tar baby cannot break free of his father - Snow is as supercilious as an Anglican Bishop and as condescending
The most depressing thing about this incident, is the culprits obvious supreme confidence that they and their children would need to fear no retaliation in kind from the group they had racially victimised.
Good point, inadvertent Monty.
If the whites responded they would get 20 years in jail for racially motivated assault.
There is a very interesting update on the BNP website re the identity of the men who attacked the boy. There is some speculation that they are closely blood related to "community leaders" that the police have been in talks with so as to not upset community relations.
The story takes a more sinister turn.
The most depressing thing about this incident, is the culprits obvious supreme confidence that they and their children would need to fear no retaliation in kind from the group they had racially victimised.
The scum that did this would not care if their children were retaliated on. It would probably suit their purpose....
But how *can* the native kids retaliate, if any attempt to do so would lead to the whole matter suddenly becoming a racial incident? Just look at the Cronulla riots, caused by Lebs gang-raping Aussie gals, but blamed on the blond surfer dudes.
So how *can* they retaliate? Only by abolishing one-sided hate laws (sheesh, don't all crimes have some element of hate in them?). And the only way to do that would be to vote for the 'joke of a party, who are tyrannical, pro-Hitler and are just gagging to seize power on false pretexts, just like Hitler did.'
Alex Zeka - Why did the British let their government do this to them? They are passive. They should have stormed Downing St when these one-sided, wicked laws disenfranchising native Brits from exercising their 1,000 freedom of speech, but they didn't.
They let it happen.
verity, What could the British have done? No political party would have supported a racially conservative (anti-affirmative action, anti-one sided hate laws, pro-racial freedom of speech) project.
Direct action, when exercised by those out of favour with the Commissar elite, would have been termed simply a riot, and would have been dealt with the way the foxhunters were. Oppression's alright, as far as the Civil Rights orgs are concerned, provided its oppression of the reactionary enemy.
Civil war, and the collapse of centralised authority, might be our best hope.
Yes, I think there are two hopes, neither likely. A civil war to get rid of the yoke that has been placed round British necks and the iron gag on freedom of speech is one possibility, and probably the likelier of the two.
The second would be if the Queen lived up to her responsibilities and dismissed this government and, if necessary, ordered the military onto the streets.
I find it hard to believe the first one was written by a student. As a youth, I know for a fact that kids don't write like because if they could, they'd use decent grammar.
Remember the old 'Not the Nine O' Clock News' sketch with Rowan Atkinson and Griff Rhys-Jones about the policeman who arrested a black for wearing a loud shirt?
One wonders where all the daring and edgy comedians have gone; after all, 'learning while white' seems to be in the same category of misdemeanours.
Where's Ben Elton when you need him?
Phil, can you provide a link to that story on the BNP site? I'm very interested. Thanks.
While this story becomes more and more horrifying, the BBC (and, to be fair, most news outlets that I've seen), along with the House of Commons, the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Leader of the Opposition, are devoting their attentions to the possibility that one group of imbeciles on Celebrity Big Brother don't like another imbecile, and may even have been mildly rude to her. Apparently alleged offensive remarks to an Indian are front page news, but extreme violence against whites is an utter irrelevancy.
Not surprising, just depressing.
anonymous: The most depressing thing about this incident, is the culprits obvious supreme confidence that they and their children would need to fear no retaliation in kind from the group they had racially victimised.
The average IQ in Pakistan is 81.
As someone that lives in Swindon I can tell you that this story is spreading like wild-fire - not least because the local papers are reporting everything but the Beeb have said almost nothing - this has really opened peoples eyes to the possibility that we are being lied to by the MSM. Meanwhile the BNP are cock-a-hoop - they are making much of the fact that this kind of thing is going on all over the country and the MSM is lying to the people.
Whilst the MSM continues to lie to the people and voting at national elections means voting for a chinless boarding school non-entity or voting for a different chinless boarding school non-entity it is only a matter of time before the suppressed rage reaches boiling point. If Islam, or particular flavours of Islam, preach intolerance then it/they should be made illegal [one might ask in passing why the MSM always present British Islam as a single unified entity]. Continuing to allow this sore to fester will only result in the non-Islamic majority taking matters into their own hands.
I am a parent of two children at Ridgeway, I was also one of the parents that demanded to see the head teacher the following day, i asked the head teacher 'do you think there is a racial problem in your school' his answer was 'no'. I replied 'well thats where the problem starts' the pupil that has left a message on this page recalling how other pupils are afraid to walk through the school alone, how white children are suspended if they retaliate,teachers do nothing in fear of being lable racist them selves, is the closest to the truth about whats going on in this school as anyone is willing to let into the public domain. There has been such a cover up in this school its been phenomenal, this is the thrid serious incident of this type, in sept a young lad had his jaw broken by the same gang/relatives. Not a word was said to parents/police.The head teacher hides behind the fact he only started in september....have you noticed how everyone has tried to distance themselves from this. I am not racist in any way shape or form but a said before if this was the other way around, you would of had everyone from the police to politician jumping on the bandwaggon to condem such a act of violence. And if this is not attempted murder and insightment (by the children, they was even kicking him when he was bleeding on the floor) i don't know what is
I'd like to add a few comments if I may. Wether this was a racial attack or not, the 7 men/boys of the first trial were found guilty of GBH with intent, not just GBH. I think you may find that the max sentence for this is longer than you think, I believe some are facing a possible 25 years. As for the 2nd trial of 9 men/boys, we shall see.
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