At least one person was killed and two were injured yesterday in two explosions in central Stockholm that caused panic among Christmas shoppers.A Swedish news agency said it had received an email warning, ahead of the explosions, in which a threat made against Sweden and its population was linked to the country's military presence in Afghanistan. The TT agency said the warning, which comprised sound files in Swedish and Arabic, was also sent to Sweden's security police (SAPO) and was received 10 minutes before the blasts. It also referred to caricatures of the prophet Mohammed by Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who became the subject of death threats and at least one assassination plot after cartoons appeared in a Danish newspaper.If it is true that the deceased nail-carrier is an Islamist who appears to have gone off prematurely (always a hazard for a shy young man in liberated Sweden), and that the car bomb was the traditional petrol and gas canister type which failed so dismally to take out any 'dancing slags' in London just before the Glasgow Airport attacks, then the Swedes can at least take confidence from their incompetence - and go back to reading Stieg Larsson and worrying about the 'far-right'.The first explosion at around 5pm local time, near the busy shopping street of Drottinggatan in the centre of the Swedish capital, was in a car containing gas canisters. The dead man was found at the site of the second blast about 300 metres away. Sweden's Aftonbladet newspaper reported that the man was carrying pipe bombs, as well as a backpack full of nails, although this was not confirmed by the authorities. "The car exploded with a series of minor explosions and there was also some kind of explosion close to where we found the dead man," Ulf Johansson, a police spokesman, told the BBC. "We need more investigation and of course we need more witnesses to give us the information of what actually has happened."
Are You Genuinely Clueless, Or Just Obtuse?
22 minutes ago
The email warning is a little bit different, though. Perhaps the unfortunate incompetent had been reading too many IRA accounts?
The Swedes were among the most sanctimonious foreign supporters of the IRA and its aims.
Like the Americans, the Swedes don't seem to be nearly so keen on terrorism when it happens to them.
Perhaps the Swedish government aren't playing ball with the yanks over Assange so Criminals In Action have sent them a reminder of who's boss.
More than iffy the timing of these explosions, more than iffy.
William, you need to understand that wikileaks is sanctioned at the highest levels. Its most interesting revelations alll serve the interests of TPTB.
In a British context, Wikileaks published the BNP membership list, waaay to stick it to The Man! Davis Cameron is regarded as a twat. Tell us something we dont know. Prince Andrew is a buffoon etc etc
So why would the CIA need to attack Sweden? Unless its to reinforce the charade that wikileaks is somehow speaking truth to power.
This is not a laughing matter, it was an instance of anti-swedish genocide.
It now transires that there's a UK connection - although the suspect hasn't been 100% formally identified, the name in the frame studied at Luton in 2004...
"far right"
Who are the extremists?
Those who would see indigenous people dispossessed I would have said
Those bombs are nowhere near as destructive as having large families, denying daughters equality and refusing to integrate with the host society.
Nice filleting of Robert Lambert on his CiF thread.
I don't think that was quite the sympathetic response for which he was hoping...
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