Trump: using the levers of his very great power
5 hours ago
"Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold" - W.B. Yeats. "We're doomed !" - Private Frazer. "Like scrolling through a decade's worth of Daily Mail editorials in 20 minutes" - TheLoonyFromCatford
Whenever I see the word 'Congo' I accociate it with Belgium. What a great record for a country that houses most of the EU government eh?
Belgian schools teach pro-paedophile propaganda.
Now Laban you re not having a dig at Homo Congoidus are you? Please make it clear where you stand - we are all the same are nt we?
This reminds me of a post on Samzidata.
They couldn't understand why the Belgian king Leopold II, was loved as a benevolent leader in Belgium. But behaved with brutality in the Congo..
I think that there is no political faction (with mainstream media access) in the West that has a dog in the Congo fight, so it may as well not exist.
OTOH, speaking of dogs, everyman and his dog seems to have an opinion about Israel and Palestine, which may mean that particular conflict is the clash of the titans.
For a fascinating alternative read (i.e. one you won't hear in the MSM) take on the Belgian Congo, colonialism, and decolonisation see here:
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