"The grooming case seemed very complicated – I don’t think it is necessary to think that the men were wrongfully convicted to be able to at least *ask questions* about the way the case was reported. Was it under reported/investigated at first? Was it then over reported? If men of Pakistani origin were over represented in one particular crime in one particular area, does the picture change greatly if you look at a wider area and a wider range of sex crimes? Is it enough to ask whether a particular report of it seemed fair and balanced? Should one also look at whether the attention paid to the crime was (if not inherently objectionable) disproportionate, and thus a possible vector of anti-muslim bigotry? Or was the real problem the initial urge to cover the story up in order to protect sensitivities? Yet of course that initial urge wouldn’t have been felt if it wasn’t for the bigots."
(after the grooming issue appeared to be going mainstream in January, February seems to be business as usual. This story appears to have been completely ignored by BBC/Telegraph/Guardian etc. What's particularly impressive is the total, complete, utter silence on the issue from feminist writers* - saving only the mighty Bindel. As I've said before, race seems to trump gender for most soi-disant feminists. Not so for JB. She doesn't care what race or creed the abusers are - she judges them not by the colour of their skin, but by the contents - indeed the existence - of their scrota.)
* UPDATE - one or two people said 'what about Yazza' - and she has indeed condemned grooming by her co-religionists on more than one occasion and in no uncertain terms :
"The criminals feel they did no wrong. These girls to them are trash, asking to be wasted – unlike their own women, who must be kept from the disorderly world out there."
It's true that Yazza is indeed a feminist, but not a professional one. She has too wide a range of interests, enthusiasms and sympathies - which is why she's my monstre sacré. The missing feminists are the people who would, were the perpetrators white, be all over these cases.
People like the F-Word, or Cath Elliott, who finds time to bewail the involvement of Helena Kennedy in Julian Assange's defence team but has nothing to say about joint enterprises, often involving males from school-age to middle-age, to abuse, rape or prostitute young working class girls. For some bloggers (the Stroppers and Harpy spring to mind) I get the impression (and impression is all it is, garnered from reading their blogs regularly) that it's almost an unconscious decision - it raises all sorts of uncomfortable issues, it gives comfort to the far right - why go there when there are so many other things to blog about? I'm not sure that Cath Elliott, who from her writing seems to be a serious person quite capable of facing unpleasant realities, falls into that category.
'after the grooming issue appeared to be going mainstream in January, February seems to be business as usual'.
Spot on Laban- compare & contrast the lack of publicity given to the Telford case with the media hype surrounding the Torbay 'Facebook' groomer.
What you have to admire about Real Intellectuals is that they can measure the disproportionality of attention paid to a given crime with such precision — and they can do it repeatably, too!
As empiricism increasingly becomes an irrelevant obstacle to progress in climate and other allied sciences, so simultaneously it gains ground among persons of intellect.
I think we can all be quietly proud of that. And we can measure exactly how proud, too.
"What's particularly impressive is the total, complete, utter silence on the issue from feminist writers - saving only the mighty Bindel."
And dear, dear Yasmin...
Bindel trots out the same old shite
"Some of the parents I met were racist, and some had developed almost a phobia against Asian men, fuelled by the misinformation and bigotry trotted out by racist groups in response to the pimping gangs."
"Misinformation and bigotry" aka the truth
An entirely justified phobia I would have thought
Left-liberals and commies are complicit in the gang rape of hundreds of English girls; because the swine have disarmed natural defence mechanisms
"The fact that these particular gangs are made up of Pakistani men is significant but not in the way racists would have us believe," says one child protection expert who asked not to be named. "While the BNP would have us believe that abusing white girls is an endemic part of these men's culture — which it absolutely is not — the truth is that these men are aware that the police do not want to be accused of racism in today's climate."
Abusing women generally absolutely is part of their culture
Check out domestic violence reports from Pakistan
Retardo: your observation has been assessed as 97.3% excellent!
"Vectors of Bigotry" - I wish I'd thought of that!
the Yazzmonster has just claimed that she has been banging on about this for twenty odd years, unlike the some Feminists!
See her Indy column.
Am I the only who think that this will only stop when a terrifyinf act of violence is perpretated?
hat tip, beat me to it, many aperlogies.
Memo to self: read all commnents before commenting oneself.
You know it makes sense.
Also spell check, eejit.
As I've said before, race seems to trump gender for most soi-disant feminists.
As always, check the rules of diversity poker.
And of course most feminists are white and middle class anyway. They only score one point for being a woman.
And of course most feminists are white and middle class anyway. They only score one point for being a woman.
Being gay or Jewish doesn't seem to knock up bonus points either any more
I'll see your gay Jewish feminist and raise you a one-legged Muslim Black Lesbian single mother of a mixed-race child with ADHD and self-esteem difficulties.
But the Islamophobia inherent in the system is obvious ! - when Muslims are the first to accomplish something, the BBC just gloss over their achievement, dubbing them a "Derby Pair":
Derby pair deny homophobic hate charges
"Left-liberals and commies are complicit in the gang rape of hundreds of English girls"
For them it is better that children be harmed by sexual predators then anybody coming to the truth about mass immigration and it's deleterious effect on our quality of life.
I see two main points to make here.
1. Pakistani Muslim culture is rife with paedophilia and misogyny, ergo they are a danger to non-muslims.
2. PCMC corrupted authorities have made themselves complicit in child abuse by covering up and not pursuing these crimes.
Ask yourself the question: Who are the bad guys here? Was it the nebulously defined "racist bigots"? Or the people who made themselves accomplices to child abuse?
If the authorities should make themselves accomplices to child abuse, what does that tell you about the authorities? And what if the authorities should place blame on the nebulously defined and politically powerless yet supposedly dangerous group called "racist bigots" for their actions?
It tells me that the authorities are:
1. Mentally corrupt, and unable to accurately judge situations.
2. A pernicious menace to the life and liberty of ethnic Britons.
3. A typical manifestion of the anti-human evil of imposed mass-immigration and multiculturalist imperialism.
I live in the East End of london and I have never come across this phenomenon.
I hope it is because it is not happening and not because I have not noticed it.
Most Muslims in Tower Hamlets, once again the 'poorest borough in the UK" , are Bengali. I don't know why that would make a difference but it looks like it does.
Anyone why london is different.
BTW: what should i google to find all the coverage of the Telford case?
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