A/c/t the Green Party "Mr Cameron’s aim is simple as it is crude - to deflect the anger against his government’s cuts from the bankers and onto the Muslim community" - a theory rather undermined by the following "The prime minister is aping attacks by other European leaders like France's Nicolas Sarkozy, who passed legislation banning the veil, and Angela Merkel, who has also made statements denouncing multiculturalism in Germany." Now call me naive, but thought Germany was doing rather well in the credit crunch, and didn't need to deflect anything onto anybody. The French haven't done too badly either - their main economic worry being the performance of the Euro periphery. Maybe they had reasons which weren't concerned with finding scapegoats.
Three observations from a look at the transcript:
1) Cameron (or his speech-writer) is completely signed up to the post-Cultural Revolution settlement.
Hmm. So if you're a Christian couple running a bed-and-breakfast, you should get back wherever it was you came from.
"So we should properly judge these organisations: do they believe in universal human rights – including for women and people of other faiths?"
"Frankly, we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and a much more active, muscular liberalism. A passively tolerant society says to its citizens, as long as you obey the law we will just leave you alone. It stands neutral between different values. But I believe a genuinely liberal country does much more; it believes in certain values and actively promotes them. Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, democracy, the rule of law, equal rights regardless of race, sex or sexuality. It says to its citizens, this is what defines us as a society: to belong here is to believe in these things."
2) It's a funny old liberalism that says "to belong here is to believe in these things". Even in the days of Good Queen Bess, when practicing the wrong religion could lead to the stake or the block, she made no windows into men's souls regarding their beliefs. I thought that "as long as you obey the law we will just leave you alone" was pretty much the contract that Old England made with the subjects of the Crown, saving only times of national emergency - almost the definition of what it was to live in a free country .
3) the rest of the speech was pretty anodyne, once you've swallowed Cameron's remarkable insights into where Islam ends and political ideology begins. I had no idea he had studied these issues so deeply. The man's a second Hazel Blears ! Only a far-left or Green Party activist could take serious issue with most of it. You never know, he may even believe some of it, and be (as some in the Labour Party appear to be) genuinely concerned for social cohesion.
IMHO it's a bit late for that. All the Cameronian Highlanders aren't going to undo the work of the last 13-odd years, let alone the 30 before that. Over large areas of our cities (and smaller areas of our towns) there's no native culture left to assimilate to. If Cameron thinks that Human Rights Culture aka 'The Religion Set Forth By The Prime Minister' is going to unite anyone when push comes to shove, I fear he's sadly mistaken. The chances of developing a new, over-arching culture, inclusive enough to include a myriad subcultures and ethnicities, is long gone. That's why Trafalgar Square, heart of what was formerly the capital city of England, was full of Kosovans stabbing each other on Thursday afternoon :
"Violence broke out when rival groups of Albanian-Kosovans, armed with knives and hockey sticks, began to fight in one of London's most popular tourist destinations. Officers arrived at the scene on Thursday to discover running brawls between what is thought to have been Albanian-Kosovan gangs, gathered to "celebrate" the third anniversary of Kosovo's independence.Hmm. Does that come under 'equality for all before the law', or 'equal rights regardless of race, sex or sexuality', Mr Cameron ? I can't but think the bar has come down on the Cameronian dream, if dream it be - and it came down a good many years ago.Groups of Albanian-Kosovan teenagers have met on Kosovo National Day as a "show of force" for the last couple of years. "It usually results only in fist fights rather than stabbings but it is hard to concede that this event was spontaneous because it seems that people came armed with necessary tools to commit a serious assault," said a source."
"He that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay".
We had a perfectly good British culture once, half a century back and before, which covered three-and-a-half nationalities - but as the half (Ireland) could witness, it was not a perfect relationship even when all components were Christian and all looked pretty much the same. And, imperfect as it was (although it was functionally pretty effective), it was forged over centuries of dispute and struggle. The results of future disputes and struggles are IMHO unlikely to look like Cameron's script. How long did Gordon Brown's script last?
"That's why Trafalgar Square, heart of what was formerly the capital city of England, was full of Kosovans stabbing each other on Thursday afternoon..."
Interesting! The BBC initially reported this as 'men' (no description)...
Confident in Dave new muscular liberalism I expect the BNP will now be able to announce its meetings openly knowing that the police will crack down sharply on those antifa types who clearly dont belong here.
...and all looked pretty much the same
Nice to see you think this is an important ingredient of a stable society!
Laban makes a good point regarding there being no native culture left to assimilate to in many areas of cities and towns.
Such areas will continue to rapidly grow in the coming years due to very high birthrates.
I'm reminded of a quote from the one-time Algerian President Houari Boumediène. He said:
"One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory."
This process is well advanced in the UK and Europe and the people that are driving it must be laughing with contempt at our weak leadership and the empty words of Cameron.
"to belong here is to believe in these things"
Of course this is hopelessly simplistic
Belonging means ethnicity to a large extent. To which one could add a civic component.
The problem comes when neither of the boxes are ticked.
"The chances of developing a new, over-arching culture, inclusive enough to include a myriad subcultures and ethnicities, is long gone."
Never existed in the first place would be a more realistic way of looking at it
This is why I have completely given up on Westminster "democracy" and look to Cromwellian solutions with the army playing a critical role, either providing or supporting the necessary leadership. The resistance of the EDL is hopefully radicalising here( nice parallel with the New Model because Cameron's liberal regime is proposing to dump another 20000 soldiers). Unpleasant as they are - the Mail and Express are useful. There is a huge discontent in the country, Islam is clearly incompatible and we are only in the initial stages of shrinking real production meets rising 3rd world population.
The "Green Man of Kent" is just a commie who has been dipped in a tank of green paint. How can a third world population explosion here possibly be construed as green? The greenery is purely tactical. And as according to Peter Rex the origin of the Green Man lay in the English resistance to the Norman invasion he has a damned liberty in describing himself as such
He and his ilk would have to be dealt with appropriately and clearly there would need to be encouragement for a return to ancestral homelands, like Kosovo for instance
If we had had a genuine democracy in the first place then we would never have got into this catastrophic state. Whether it would be possible to build a democratic "New Jerusalem" some years after the "necessity hath no law" bit, I don't know. The chances would not be good. But Leviathan is better than anarchy and in any case if the realm cannot saved then it most certainly should be avenged, pitilessly
Naturally the Trafalgar Square mini-riot wouldn't have occurred if we (and you know who I mean by that) weren't so skinflint :
"Luljetta Nuzi, project director for Shpresa, a group for Albanian speakers in the UK, said that....Unfortunately, there is not enough funding to continue the preventative work we were trying to do."
Seems they have learned much from the floor-butters...
Cameron is running with the jackal Buiterist pack, which I raged about a couple of years ago
"Expulsion/exiling of residents/citizens of a country is something that should not be considered lightly. It is a sanction of last resort for repeated transgressions against the rules. It also presupposes that there is a place/country to which the no longer acceptable resident/citizen can be banished without this exposing him or her to the risk of maltreatment, torture or death in his/her place of exile. Extraordinary renditions of the kind engaged in by the Bush administration, to its eternal shame, are never acceptable. Some other way of protecting the country/club from those who do not accept and constitute a material threat to its fundamental values and binding rules will have to be found (internal exile to a small uninhabited island in the Outer Hebrides comes to mind).
Let's hope we can do it them before they can do it us(good old rule), because they will cast their net very wide(eg the Christian guest-house proprietors); stuff works like that
Anonymous said...
Laban makes a good point regarding there being no native culture left to assimilate to in many areas of cities and towns.
Such areas will continue to rapidly grow in the coming years due to very high birthrates
It is so obvious a point
"Multi-culturalism" is cover for alien settler colonisation
Interesting! The BBC initially reported this as 'men' (no description)...
Also described (by the Beeb?) as Eastern European. Naturally I assumed that mean Romanian gypsies.
Fearless anti-racists in the media are always willing and able to spread the blame for the wrongdoings of certain minorites amongst all eastern Europeans.
This process is well advanced in the UK and Europe and the people that are driving it must be laughing with contempt at our weak leadership and the empty words of Cameron.
And lets be fooled for a moment that those driving are shambolic 3rd worlders. The real enemy live much closer to home.
My MONA/MONDEO antennae were twitching away as soon as that story broke.
More generally, there is no reason, none at all, for any Kosovan Albanians to remain in this country, other than the fact that they just don't fancy going. None of the sob stories applies. Off you go chaps.
staybryte said...
"My MONA/MONDEO antennae were twitching away as soon as that story broke.
More generally, there is no reason, none at all, for any Kosovan Albanians to remain in this country, other than the fact that they just don't fancy going. None of the sob stories applies. Off you go chaps."
Well quite
Blair got that TV station in Belgrade bombed
The Serbs have been ethnically cleansed from their sacred ground
What's stopping them going home?
"What's stopping them going home?"
Kosovars make a vital contribution to the UK economy, running Soho's brothels and clip joints, doing the jobs the Maltese are no longer willing to do.
I'd be happier scapegoating Muslims if I genuinely believed that Islamic culture was inferior to liberal secularism.
This government was the last hope, I think, Christendom had of reasserting itself, and thereby recreating a moral, conservative consensus in which ordinary Muslims could find themselves comfortable with.
But Cameron insists on "muscular liberalism", which can only mean more of the same disastrous post sex-rev garbage we've had shoved down our throats. More abortion, more homosexualism, more nihilism and relativism.
Game over. If this government isn't prepared to lead the country back from the brink, then maybe, just maybe, Islamisation is poetic justice of sorts.
'All the Cameronian Highlanders aren't going to undo the work of the last 13-odd years, let alone the 30 before that'.
Exactly- Cameron has absolutely no intention of , say, repealing Harman's Equality Act of 2009 (his 'Equalities Minister', Lynne Featherstone, will have none of it for starters ).
Our PM is at heart a PR man. Last years' gimmick- 'The Big Society' is fading fast, so in the Munich speech he decided to road test a new one -'Muscular Liberalism'- a phrase which will also, in time, follow 'The Big Society' into oblivion.
Ref your Golden Age link, I stubbed my toe on the second sentence: " It was shocking for an unmarried couple to sleep together..." This describing a period starting in 1945 - the end of one of the most promiscuous periods in British history, far outranking the 1960s in that respect. And there were lots of babies born to unwed mothers during and after the war. The promiscuity was understandable (you had no way of knowing whether you'd see your lover alive again, especially if they were male and of service age), the euphemisms quaint ("Have you had your greens?"), but there was lots of unmarried bonking.
It's very odd that for a decade or so afterwards the social authoritarianism you describe did, briefly, become the norm.
Peter - yes, there was a fair bit of it about - but it was not open, and that was important. Hence 'Mr and Mrs' at hotels etc. I blogged a bit about our history of premarital sex at Biased-BBC.
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