Andy - why the constant worship of our new Chinese overlords? The socialism of China has a highly nationalistic and patriotic flavour - one that you would hate and fear were a UK party to be offering it.
As a born-again cultural conservative I can appreciate what China's doing - looking after #1 while useful idiots all over the world embrace globalisation. As the new manufacturing powerhouse, they'll naturally be in favour of free trade and open markets - for others. The US firms which rushed into China, swooning over the size of the market ('if we only had 3% that could be x million customers'), are discovering that the Chinese have no intention of allowing roundeyes major influence.
Meanwhile military spending increases and the sabres are rattling in the South China Sea, while China is buying up as many resources in Asia and Africa (ores, coal, oil) as it can and developing strongly in future green technologies, especially solar generation.
They're driven by Chinese national interest, something I can completely understand. But Andy - and, to be fair, pretty much all the UK left - openly hate the concept of British national interest. What have they got that we haven't, Andy?
Bits and Pieces
3 hours ago
Like some other "born-again conservatives" you have a knack of nailing the Left's hypocrisies. But why bother with the surely satirical Socialist Unity? Do you just like winding them up?
The problem is people like Laban take what these clowns say at face value. As if they really believe it and understand it.
When these fools talk about foreigners and foreign cultures they are not talking about foreigners but about their own mostly false imaginings of what these foreign regimes are like.
They simply don't know what they are talking about.
Remember how many of them were supporters of the Khmer Rouge.
This is the true disaster of the modern education system, it has produced a lot of people with great writing abilities who can make themselves sound clever, but who often in reality have got some very stupid and even destructive ideas.
Andy Newman's Socialist Unity
Andy Newman's Socialist Unity = ANSU = dangerous anagram territory for Mr. Newman. He'll need to watch his arse on that score.
"They're driven by Chinese national interest, something I can completely understand. But Andy - and, to be fair, pretty much all the UK left - openly hate the concept of British national interest. What have they got that we haven't, Andy?"
Actually, your question should be: what have we done in the past that they haven't done? The answer is colonialism.
It makes moral sense to want to see a victim of bullying overcome his fear. It makes moral sense to want to see the bully apologize and make amends. That is all there is to it.
China was the victim of British colonialism. It makes moral sense to want to see China get back on its feet. Britain was the colonizer. It makes moral sense to want to see Britain give back the wealth it has stolen from all the countries it has colonized.
When you advocate the concept of British national interest, you are behaving like the schoolyard bully who demands that he gets to keep the lunch money he took by force from the other kids. Wouldn't everyone hate someone who behaves like that?
"what have we done in the past that they haven't done? The answer is colonialism"
And I'm sure the Tibetans agree with you.
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