Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oops !

Medics and nurses have been known to make the odd unflattering remark about their patients - but strictly between themselves. Few have gone so far as to leave them on the patient's answerphone.

A hospital has apologised after staff inadvertently left an insulting message on a teenage patient's telephone.

The message said Sharon Roberts, 19, was a "smelly drunk with black teeth".

It was left by staff at the James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, who were reminding her about an appointment - but then carried on talking.


Anonymous said...

If it had been reversed, and she had called the staff that, it would have been a "hate crime"

Anonymous said...

Hidden away on the BBC's England page, a rather important story:

The original was splashed over the front page. Still, we now know for certain what we suspected earlier - that West Midlands police slandered the programme for political reasons. Will the person who made this baseless allegations, and didn't investigate the claims made by the programme, be sacked?

Anonymous said...

Almost certainly not.

Still, it's only taxpayers money, after all!

Anonymous said...

"Will the person who made this baseless allegations, and didn't investigate the claims made by the programme, be sacked?"

I think you will find this is ACC(responsible for enriched paradise of diversity affairs) Anal Patani - who actually has enriched himself a couple of times with Employment Tribunal actions for "racism"(easily googled):

"Channel 4 has been referred to Ofcom, the broadcasting authority, by the Crown Prosecution Service, for its undercover Dispatches programme on hate-preachers in British mosques.
Explaining the decision, Anil Patani of the West Midlands police said that the authorities had reviewed the 56 hour of footage used to create the hour-long programme and concluded that the Channel 4 editors had used quotes selectively......"

And no, he won't be sacked, he'll just work up another ET ploy.

What didn't Enoch say?

We must be mad, quite mad.....

What about addressing the issue of Islamics wanting to kill us?

Fat chance