Professor Robin Lovell-Badge, head of the genetics division at the Medical Research Council's National Institute For Medical Research, said: "Maybe there's an awful lot in the bill that goes against the strict Roman Catholic view and it's not just these mixtures of animal and human they object to. Perhaps they've decided that they're going to focus on this one particular issue because they can use scary language like 'creating monsters' and make ground on this particular battle, when [other parts of the bill], like IVF treatment, are well accepted in the UK."

The humpbacked deep-sea angler fish.

Ms Jade Goody. I rest my case.
Indeed. I was surprised to learn that scientists in Newcastle were seeking a licence to cross humans and animals. I was under the impression that they had been doing it for years.
The deep sea anglerfish in your picture is a female - the males are tiny things, which attach themselves to the largest female they can find and then shrivel up until they are nothing but a handy pair of testicles hanging on to the female.
Even more of a resemblance to Ms Goody...
Hugh, perhaps the Newcastle scientists are attempting to reduce the proportion of animal in the native population.
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