I've thought Nigel Wrench was a good reporter since the days when he worked for Travel Trade Gazette and used to pop up on Radio Four's holiday programme.
If he's quoted correctly here he does seem to have a self - and others - destructive streak. Pity.
Are You Genuinely Clueless, Or Just Obtuse?
41 minutes ago
Have you noticed how Radio 4 always gave Wrench the art-gallery slots on PM ? Always wonderfully enlightening in multi-culti Bradford to hear about some twee art-gallery in Mayfair or some wonderful friends of Nigel Wrench exhibing their latest blasphemous painting or sculpture......I wonder if any of them have read Hermann Hesse's Glass Bead Game ?
A pity for his alleged victim, especially if Wrench is the person in this article:
Actually it worsens the situation for Wrench in legal terms and probably brings him very near to be the BBC's own resident Prison Correspondent for the next 6-8 years which should make dating more local
Self-destructive; desirous of destroying others ... perfect material for a BBC journalist, methinks.
Laban, I've linked to this from my blog as this case is progressing.
I have often said that news reporters are just about the lowest form of human life - people who have no integrity whatsoever, people who are happy to lie to the nation in exchange for money. Stinking traitors, all of them.
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