The great Frank 'the unthinkable' Field on immigration. Frank is one of those happy few on the left who will accept that fear of crime, the underclass, and benefit dependency are not artefacts produced by a Daily Mail editorial conference, but descriptions of what is. He also appreciates that it is the poor who are the chief victims.
"Mr Field, a former welfare minister, questioned whether this level of immigration was sustainable without "dramatic" changes to the character of the country and hitting poorer areas, which have to absorb migrants.
"This is the most massive transformation of our population. Do we just merely accept this as another form of globalisation? That it doesn't matter where you are, or that you belong to a country and have roots? That we are all just following the jobs?" Mr Field told the BBC News Website.
People who questioned mass immigration were often accused of "playing the race card" but, Mr Field argued, this was "just another way of closing down debate".
The Birkenhead MP added: "There will be economic gains [from immigration] but I am just raising whether any country can sustain the rate of immigration we are now suffering."
Frank, btw, your website is the slowest in human history.
Book day
8 hours ago
Frank Field is very much like the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, his best ideas are far more likely to be appreciated and understood by his political opponents than by his own party.
It does sound like he is in the wrong party. I think maybe ordinary people are finally starting to realise that there is something seriously wrong with our country. The influx of foreign nationals unimpeded is not having the beneficial effect that Nu Lab claimed it would. Unfortunately until we pull out of the EU we will never be able to control our borders properly. As it is the government has signed up for more legislation which allows EU nationals to bring in their non EU "partners" (a bit like Pete Mandelson with his Brazilian chum) unimpeded. Even if immigration officers suspect the marriage or civil partnership or whatever is totally bogus they are unable to challenge it. Madness. Fields has got some bottle but there again he isn't likely to get a seat at the cabinet as he has never sucked up to Bliar and his cronies. Personally I think we should investigate the links between Blair and his wife over human rights law. Is it just me or does anyone else think it absurd that his wife has made thousand maybe millions out of exploiting the human rights act?
The Birkenhead MP added: "There will be economic gains [from immigration] ...
He must be referring to the increased victim support work.
N.B. Please Laban, make good your promise and start a "if only they hadn't let him out" blog.
I the UK stopped the "welfare" state subsidising immigration then we would see gains from immigration.
Why? Only immigrants who could add something to the U.K. would arrive.
We need to do two other things.
1/ Auction the right to work in the U.K.
2/ Make immigrants insure themselves against the costs of jailing them.
I live in Banbury, Oxfordshire and their are thousands of Polish workers in the area and finding a job for the local people is very difficult as the migrant workers seem to have them all.
This Country is no longer for the British people
I live in Banbury, Oxfordshire and their are thousands of Polish workers in the area and finding a job for the local people is very difficult as the migrant workers seem to have them all.
This Country is no longer for the British people
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