"The celebrated decline of deference cuts more than one way. Society is much less gentle, more violent, than it was fifty years ago. Political allegiance is much less deep-rooted, more volatile, than it was. Our children are being taught to identify themselves as members of a particular ethnic group (my older children were given a form at school to fill in) rather than as Britons. There is enormous cynicism about politics and a culture which demands instant gratification. Ancient institutions which have served to preserve liberty over centuries have been emasculated or abolished. It's possible that given such a cultural background, national self-confidence (something we currently don't have) could take unpleasant forms.
In my worst visions my sons are on the streets, trying to stop people being attacked because of their race (and in danger of attack themselves), while in a thousand council offices ex-liberal careerists are hastily applying for the new Anglicisation Policy Co-ordinator posts ("under the Race Relations Act 2016, this post is only open to those of Anglo-Saxon cultural heritage") and the UN is wondering whether troops should be sent in." - this blog, March 2004.
"British citizenship has been granted to nearly one million foreign nationals since Labour came to power in 1997, official figures showed yesterday.
A record 161,000 obtained a UK passport last year, a 15 per cent increase on 2004, and a further 214,000 lodged applications that are now being processed. Similar numbers are likely to have applied this year, on top of 750,000 new citizens already created in the previous eight years.
The Home Office said the 64 per cent increase in applications for 2005 was mainly due to people submitting their papers before the introduction of the new "Britishness" test last November.
The rate of overseas settlement in Britain is now the highest ever and is four times greater than in the mid-1990s - reflecting unprecedented levels of immigration.
In the late 1960s, about 75,000 new citizens a year were accepted for citizenship but this fell to about 50,000 after new laws were introduced in 1971.
For about 25 years the annual figure remained near or below this level, falling to a low point of 37,000 in 1997, the year Labour took office. Since then, there has been a spectacular increase, with the rate of growth accelerating every year.
The scale of new settlements is a principal driver behind the increase in Britain's population, which is expected to grow by five million by 2020 while birth rates fall in other countries.
The Government has said there is no limit to the numbers who can come to this country ..."

The Future ? Fiji - if we're lucky.
Inverness mights well be renamed Little-Katowice-On-The-Ness and the Glasgow Housing Assocation high rise blocks at Stirlingfauld Place will soon be known as 'Banjul Towers'.
Why Fiji?
Large-scale immigration by Indians happened during the days of Empire. They did the jobs the natives didn't want to do.
When the number of Asians got high enough politics split into an Indian party and a nativist one. The natives kept control of the Army and the Indians ran the economy, but by 2000 there were enough Indians to win the elections for the non-nativist party. Coup followed. Some confusion since. No hideous massacres but peace and love there ain't. Two earlier military coups in 1987.
Mind you, the Fijian natives are probably better off than the English.
"indigenous ownership of five sixths of Fiji's land is guaranteed by a constitutional clause which cannot be amended without the agreement of 9 of the 14 Senators appointed by the Great Council of Chiefs."
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