Britains "most-gay-friendly employer", where 10% of the staff bowl round the wicket, is Staffordshire Police.
A spokesman for the Staffordshire force said gay and lesbian officers were entitled to attend up to three gay pride rallies a year in paid time, to have paid parenting leave if they adopted a child, and to run parties with gay groups from neighbouring West Midlands constabularies.
I've got no problem with paid leave for adoption, and what parties they attend is their affair, but I'm raising a bijou eyebrow at paying taxes for people to go on marches.
Nature vs nurture is always an interesting debate in relation to any aspect of human behaviour, though in the case of homosexuality my money's on nurture, as a 'gay gene' wouldn't seem to be one that would confer reproductive advantage. But the current politically correct "fact" is that they were born that way, immutable part of self, discrimination as bad as racism, etc etc. Any evidence to the contrary is ignored and its exponents vilified.
So lets assume that they're right, and batting for the other side is an immutable part of your being, like skin or eye colour. In that case, why should taxpayers pay for people to "demonstrate the pride of the marchers in being gay" as Met Commander Cressida Dick puts it ? Would Staffordshire Police expect taxpayers to subsidise a White Pride march ?
(It's a pity Commander Dick has such trouble with the job she's paid to do).
Elsewhere, in Nottinghamshire ...
A detective is facing disciplinary action by his force for referring to a career criminal as “pondlife” in a private conversation with another officer.
The detective constable, who faces possible dismissal from his job, has been told that the criminal “might have been offended” had he heard the remark, although he was not present at the time.
Mustn't demonise the villains, must we ?
Sir Robert Peel is rotating at 7,200 rpm.
Told You...
16 hours ago
I like "bowl around the wicket". How about "play the reverse sweep"?
Can't see a problem with the police attending gay pride.Its much more of a celebratory festival these days and there is undoubtedly a need to break down some of the remaining barriers - its called gaining more in the way of community intelligence.
Breaking down barriers is vandalism. I expect the police to put them up, not smash them.
merseym, you are about 100 miles west of sensible. I suppose it's genetic.
Do try to understand that the "barrier" is this: we don't much like to be around benders. We don't like much about you at all, but parading male flouncery is deeply unlikable. And this attitude of ours is definitely genetic. Inbred. Unlearned.
Sorry, but unless you can understand that it is poofery which is the problem and not our failure to see you all as funny, charming, creative individuals, you are condemned forever to flounce alone and unwanted.
If, however, you can aspire to the high understanding that discretion and respect for the majority enhance you in our eyes, then there is at least some hope. But first you will have to become a bit more sensible than you are now.
Who's 'we', Guessed ?
I've got no problem with those who cruise that boulevard just south of Birmingham, I just think it's something you can't do while calling yourself a practising Christian. Just keep it wrapped and don't frighten the horses ! After all, I don't go around telling the world what floats my particular boat - and a good thing too.
Historically though, Guessed is right in that a situation like the one we have now, where uphill gardening is actually privileged vis a is the dull old straights, is
a) historically highly unusual
b) not something that will last
But the current politically correct "fact" is that they were born that way, immutable part of self, discrimination as bad as racism, etc etc. Any evidence to the contrary is ignored and its exponents vilified.
Nature versus nurture is a total red-herring. Either way, come a certain age, people are what they are. Anti-gay discrmination is grossly unjust and causes extreme suffering. I can't imagine what "evidence to the contrary" you could have (which isn't found in the bible).
In the past Staffordshire police have been shamefully complicit in persecuting homosexuals, now they're trying to make amends. Good for them.
Would Staffordshire Police expect taxpayers to subsidise a White Pride march ?
What an awful comparison. People on gay pride marches don't hate straight people's guts. Indeed straight people can and do go on gay pride marches without fearing for their lives. Ever seen a black man on a White Pride march?
'After all, I don't go around telling the world what floats my particular boat - and a good thing too.'
But Laban, with respect, you don't have to tell anyone what floats your boat. We already (broadly) know. You've written here about wife and kids and family life, achievements which, in our culture, are not just taken for granted, but applauded. You've to remember that there are people who run the serious risk of getting the living daylights kicked out of them just by walking down the street beside the people they love and cherish the most (not to mind having the temerity to do something as rad as holding hands). I suspect gays experience a level of social isolation and constant public wariness that straights wouldn't tolerate for a nanosecond.
Actually, Laban, I'm surprised at you. I read this blog all the time. I thought you had a more subtle and imaginative intelligence than that.
Oh, and guessedworker, what on EARTH can have rattled YOUR cage? Calm down, dear. You'll do yourself an injury.
I agree with Laban about the gay gene hypothesis. IMO, the most likely cause of gayness is irregular hormonal fluctuations in the womb. This suggests that gayness could be prevented - and with it much human misery as well.
I've known several gays, and I never realised they were gay until I'd known them for several years. I suspect that most gays are not camp/effeminate, lefty exhibitionists, busily cultivating their narcissistic victimhood; but ordinary, conservative types, quite unobsessed by their unfortunate sexual preferences.
Laban: "'s something you can't do while calling yourself a practising Christian." Why not? Do paedophile priests cease to be Christians? Christ came to save sinners. And paedophilia is surely a far worse a sin than a bit of fudge-packing?
'This suggests that gayness could be prevented [...]'
Ha, ha, ha! Now I know this post and these comments are just a big wind-up. Okay, lads, a joke's a joke but....
It IS just a big wind-up, isn't it? Please say it's just a wind-up.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
"Nature versus nurture is a total red-herring. Either way, come a certain age, people are what they are."
No totally wrong, people are neither gay nor straight, this sexuality is a modern invention. In years gone by, during the Roman Empire etc, people used to have sex with anything, men, women, animals. Just because 2 men went together didn't make them 'gays' and attempt to create some big alternative life style.
Same when someone spends time in prison, they sometimes do things they wouldn't normally do.
People are not 'fixed' in any particular 'sexuality'. Any kind of altering of someones hormone level can change their attitudes.
There was a documentary on not long ago when a woman who wanted to be a man was taking male hormones and to the scientists supprise actual physical changes were taking place within the brain.
(I couldn't find the link)
"We already (broadly) know. "
I could a tale unfold whose lightest word
Would harrow up thy soul
freeze thy young blood
Make thy two eyes, like stars,
start from their spheres ...
No, Shallow, I'm not winding you up. Being gay is a misfortune: consider the mortality and morbidity statistics for gay men. If the in utero hormonal hypothesis is correct, it's a disorder, too.
As I've said elsewhere, in the name of equality and animal rights, I hope the police horses are free to express their sexuality and claim overtime for it...
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