Or is anyone else sick of hearing the self-appointed Septic Saviour of Children, Michele Elliot of Kidscape, all over BBC radio and TV ?
She made me so cross I had to smack all the kids in a Tony Blair stylee.
UPDATE - there seems to be a trend for American women whose views would be laughable in the Land of the Free to seek out opportunity in the Land of the Freeloader. Bonnie Greer, Susie Orbach, Beverley Malone of the Royal College of Mini-Doctors - I'm surprised the late Andrea Dworkin never made it across the pond.
Half a Rock
7 hours ago
It isn't just you. There's also Jenny Trent-Hughes, a "relationship councillor" /talking head for rent - who thinks having affairs with married men is a bit of a laugh and harmless and everybody does it etc etc. Often on tv and radio.
I had noticed a similar trend, but from another direction.
The ubiquity of Patricia Hewitt, Germaine Greer, Kathy Lette and Amanda Platell has created a class called the OAF - the Obligatory Australian Female.
Jenni Trent Hughes is a joke as a councillor. She posts under the name 'JenniTH' on the Digital Spy Big Brother board and writes who is "fit", who she wants to "snog" and tries to turn the board against the pretty women with her "inside" knowledge.
She's a fat middle-aged woman with a failed marriage behind her. Who needs advice from her sort?
Is trent-hughes the one that has had a gastric band or something put in overseas?
She has posted on the Digital Spy forum about being abroad and in hospital, after leaving cryptic messages about going away, so it could be!
This is an interesting turn of events if true after what she said about Ann Diamond!
I am so sorry just to have found this. It has been most hilarious. Just in the interest of 'keeping it real'.... it is Jenni (with an i). No I have NOT had a gastric band, don't believe in them. I was in the hospital having something attended to that was cancer-related. I have NEVER in my life commented on someone being 'fit' as I find it a rather puerile was of describing people. Neither do I 'snog' as that is something that is done by 14 year olds. I suppose I might seem fat to you, to others I am 'cuddly' - I prefer to go along with their description but if you feel comfortable with yours then go right ahead. And as for 'who needs advice from her sort........' well it would be impolite for me to comment :)
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