So the media be institutionally racist, be it ?
He's not quite grasped it, has he ? To a white liberal - a fair description of our media class - crimes committed by non-natives aren't as newsworthy. Partly because 'that's what they do', and partly because honest reporting of crime in, say, South London, would raise awareness of something they'd rather ignore.
Or in two words, Ruth Okechukwu.
UPDATE - to expand a little
Non-Natives being killed, robbed or otherwise abused are in general only of interest to a 'liberal' if they can be used as a cultural weapon against their enemies. In short, if natives are doing the abusing. See for example the remarkable difference between the coverage of the racist murders of Anthony Walker and Isaiah Young-Sam. This applies in Britain and also abroad, where for natives read 'Westerners'. American Christians who condemn the practice of homosexuality, for example, will be the subject of more critical media commentary than Iranian Muslims who hang homosexuals. "It's what they do" is an attitude never spoken (only evil right-wingers stereotype like that) but always present - unwitting and unconscious. See also Darfur and (particularly) the Congo, where millions more people have been killed than were ever shot by the police of apartheid South Africa - to an almost total silence.
Here, Ian - one story that did make the papers. I bet you can't imagine why.
Riffat Pasha claims she was kept captive for five years at the house where she was assaulted and threatened with her life, Sheffield Crown Court was told.
Police became involved when she outlined her plight in a letter which she left in the ladies' toilet at Atkinson's department store. She wrote on the envelope that it should be delivered to police or a doctor she had met during hospital treatment for tuberculosis.
Told You...
16 hours ago
Speaking as a white liberal I thought Sir Blair was (uniquely in my experience) spot on.
Now you find me a genuine liberal who says 'that's what they do'. Go on, I defy you.
Odd that on the same day as Blair is bleating on, Nick Griffin is giving rather interesting evidence at his trial, on one of his own speeches in which he complains about the lack of media reporting on a series of horiffic murders of innocent whites by ethnic minority murderers. Is Blair now so institutionally compromised that he no longer distinguishes what is true from what is false?
Oh come on larry, you can't be serious.
Laban is the one who is spot on as normal.
I have not done any proper research, but when I watch the BBC news, and then see a programme like crime-watch there is a stark contrast between the colour in the crimes they are reporting.
One case a black man on crime-watch was being tortured by a black gang with an iron, they think because his brother owed money but they weren't 100% sure.
Imagine if that had been a white gang doing the torturing, it would have been the main news story 24/7.
"Is Blair now so institutionally compromised that he no longer distinguishes what is true from what is false?"
Pretty much par for the course for a top brass in the Met nowadays - the 'truth' is whatever your narrow, liberal circle believe it to be, in defiance of inconvenient facts and the wishes of the general public you were appointed to 'serve'....
The telling phrase is in the bit "...almost nobody can understand why that dreadful story became the biggest story in Britain".
I certainly haven't seen anyone I know or work with ponder this subject, so who does he refer to when he says 'almost nobody'..?.
Reminds me of the New York Times film critic baffled by Nixon's election becuase she didn't know anyone who'd voted for him.
Police resources in murder investigations are allocated in line with the amount of media interest. High profile crimes, ie Dando, were funded to a level unheard of in the sink estates where similar murders happen fairly often. Blair's comments have an awful habit of backfiring on him. What is his real agenda?
I found your post unnecessarily belligerent and aggressive; please try to be nicer in future.
"a genuine liberal who says 'that's what they do'": but liberals don't SAY it, they think it.
Thank you dearieme for pointing that out.
I was rather heartened by Blair's comments, it shows that the thieves have started falling out amongst themselves.
With his recent comments that 'middle class' cocaine use is to be targeted he won't have any friends left in the media at all now.
Ye gods, targeting 'middle class drug users'...!
Must be because of that recent spate of chartered surveyors & PR assistants committing drive-bys in Chelsea........
Non-Natives being killed, robbed or otherwise abused are in general only of interest to a 'liberal' if they can be used as a cultural weapon against their enemies.
Hah! Well you were talking about evil right-wingers stereotyping people, weren't you? Thanks for the demonstration.
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