It's odd. For the last 50 years the middle-class Left has bemoaned the absence of spontaneous working-class political self-organisation.
But when it happens, they suddenly discover how much they hate the working class. The people who get all hot and bothered about people being called "chavs" are the same people who in online debate will mock the grammar, spelling and logic of EDL contributors or interviewees. Say what you like about the publicans who put together this (IMHO amusing) video, they don't pretend to be defenders of working people.
But on the "left" ... from Harpy's "ugly and vile" faces, to the bright boys in the video below, they all seem to be piling in. Can't understand it ... can you ?
(hat-tip - Brendan O'Neill in the Telegraph)
Book day
9 hours ago
Thanks for the info, but I would be extremely cautious about naming names. That's the FOURTH name I've seen as one of the two perps.
Banned - I've just found his videos. There does seem to be a resemblance.
The woman 'the boys in the video below' are referring to appears to have been quite badly assaulted. Far from falling out of the bus she was dragged out of the buses toilet and the assaulted by 'Asians'.
"We have spoken to the woman that was assaulted and she was in the downstairs toilet on the coach when Muslims/UAF tore the door open. She was punched in the face and thrown on the floor where she was kicked several times, all by men. When she got up and ran after the bus she was surrounded and further assaulted.
She says she was hit or kicked by at least 20 different males. She has a fractured cheekbone, bruised ribs and internal bruising."
The UAF no doubt believe that the many grooming victims are slags who had it coming
Those videos really are quite something.
Brenden O'Neill plays the angry indigenous working class flute quite brilliantly. He hits all the right notes in all the right ways.
He sometimes makes me think of the pied piper.
It shouldn't be forgotten that Brandan really is an open orders loon.
A video showing the attack on the woman, as well as upon the EDL coach can be viewed here:
There's nothing to laugh about in either of these.
I was intersted to read this article but cannot bring myself to watch this video.
Halting mass immigration is of the utmost importance. Trouble is the Far Right have been completely useless at achieving this during the last 40-50 years.
It is not just down to Establishment hostility but also to the poor quality of those attracted to the Far Right.
The EDL will be kettled by the police time and again. Anyone kicking off will be nicked. The BNP are imploding and none of the smaller Far Right parties and grouplets will be able to take their place.
What is needed is a movement against mass immigration capable of mobilising normal people while repelling the ineffectual nutcases of the Far Right.
"Halting mass immigration is of the utmost importance. Trouble is the Far Right have been completely useless at achieving this during the last 40-50 years.
It is not just down to Establishment hostility but also to the poor quality of those attracted to the Far Right."
Well the term "far right" is of course highly pejorative and its use openly propagandistic, to use it plays the Establishment game. I would not have said that Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll were men of "poor quality myself". Tommy gets points victories over Paxman. He is a very brave and patriotic man
Sure the rank and file of the "far right" are apparently under-educated; but is it not our lovely liberal middle class who designed and staff the dysfunctional "education" system? We have a general crisis of human capital in any case. Who is the stupid one though? The EDL activist resisting alien encroachment or this snobby smart-arse on the video who colludes with Islamism and thinks he is a citizen of the world(globalisation in one country = no job, no home, no hope)
But you must not underrate "establishment hostility anon. To become involved in "far right" politics is career death, so obviously the people attracted may be somewhat marginal.
It is important to understand that the very last thing that the London based politico-financial Mafia want is an indigenous resistance that will fight for the rights and indeed the very existence of the native people of this country. They go to all lengths to prevent it; with a propagandist media which makes no attempt at objectivity - I noticed the other day that a Guardian report claimed that EDL demonstrators had sung "you are scum and you know it" at "foreign tourists"; other reports suggested rather more plausibly that the chants were aimed at the UAF. But then what is to be expected from the Guardian, a Bedlam of far left loonies like Milne, crazy liberals like Bunting - and the Islamist of the day(Mehdi Hasan being in residence currently)?
Para-military policing, the use of agent provocateurs, targeting of activists are routine regime tactics. They want a cowed, de-cultured serf population, cut adrift from their history, that their money-lenders can wring the last drop of blood from
"What is needed is a movement against mass immigration capable of mobilising normal people while repelling the ineffectual nutcases of the Far Right"
But do you not see that any movement against mass immigration will be characterised by malignant nation wrecking forces and their cretinous dupes as "far right"? Let us at least not play their game and fall into the trap of maligning the resistance through the use of their agitprop terminology. Tudway of the Met Police apparently does not believe that the EDL are "extremist"; another loaded term - I would have thought those who want to turn England into a third world hell hole are the extremists myself
The only option at the moment is as Churchill put it, "keep buggering on". The regime is as hollowed out as the economy it perches on, it has the smell of death about it
Blog, sarge, blog. Please. You could be a new Arthur.
It shouldn't be forgotten that Brandan really is an open BORDERS loon.
Sgt Troy
Well the term "far right" is of course highly pejorative and its use openly propagandistic, to use it plays the Establishment game. I would not have said that Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll were men of "poor quality myself". Tommy gets points victories over Paxman. He is a very brave and patriotic man
Yes. I think it somewhat desperate that leftie commentators often label the EDL as far right, or fascists, when the EDL are obviously a single issue pressure group.
I was impressed by Robinson's performance up against the Paxman on Newsnight.
The EDL are a populist anti-Muslim movement similar to support for Pim Fortuyn and Geert Wilders in Europe.
Elements from the Far Right will be attracted to them just as Far Left groups such as the Socialist Workers Party try to gain advantage from strike campaigns, anti-globalisation protests etc.
The EDL do not have the same roots in working class communities that the BNP had begun to build.
The use of 'Far Right' is correct when applied to the likes of the NF, C18, Stormfront, individuals from the BNP such as Jonathan Bowden, but it is inaccurate for the EDL, and laughable when applied to parties like the English Democrats or UKIP.
Some of the EDL folks seem dodgy to me but as a Yank, I appreciate the way they stood up for us yesterday in London against the Muslim fanatics who dishonored our 9/11 dead. The guy waving the 9/11 flower arrangement in the faces of the "Muslims Against Crusades" creeps in this video is especially appreciated:
--An Observer
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