Book day
9 hours ago
"Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold" - W.B. Yeats. "We're doomed !" - Private Frazer. "Like scrolling through a decade's worth of Daily Mail editorials in 20 minutes" - TheLoonyFromCatford
"35 years ago at West Brom's Birmingham Road end, there was a call-and response chant as follows..."
Well, that one is at least succinct and to the point. Over at the last but one student awayday to the capital, a commenter at 'Inspector Gadget's' blog reports this chant:
“what do we want? A future! When do we want it? Now!”
Isn't now a good time to have a future?
But Brian, only yesterday you were saying what a good time it was to have a past.
@Anonymous: I was pist then.
Faraway is close at hand in images of elsewhere.
Duncan Campbell sees the Student Grant demonstrations* and relives his glorious youth at CiF :
That's the same sheer pleasure you'll see on the faces of EDL demonstrators in Preston, a hundred-strong group of football supporters up for a weekend in Blackpool, on the streets of Paris in 1968, Genoa in 2008, or Nuremburg in 1936. Paris in 1789, Athens in 2010 or Rome in 1922.
It's the pleasure of being in a large group - the larger the better - with something to unite you and (preferably) an enemy to hate**. Anti-capitalist in Genoa, anti-Jew in Tsarist Russia, anti-Catholic in London.
It's the intoxicating power of the mob.
* Laban expounded on the Great Tuition Fee Disaster here.
** 35 years ago at West Brom's Birmingham Road end, there was a call-and response chant as follows :
"Who are the people ?"
"Who are the ****bags ?"