Zoe Williams makes a stunning comeback with If sex with HIV is a crime, so is swimming with verrucas.
Or going into work with a cold, sitting in a doctors surgery with flu, etc. You have to wonder if the Guardian's doing what the old Daily Sport used to do - knowingly publishing ridiculous stuff to pull in the punters. Seems to work, too.
Told You...
16 hours ago
The "old" Daily Sport?
You mean it's gone?
What a sad disappointment.
It might still be going AFAIK. Just don't see it on many news stands.
I think Richard Desmond's got a deal to distribute Express/Star/Sport in Lidl stores.
Wasn't "Typhoon Mary" interned to prevent the spread of disease?
The comment by "ballymichael" was a particularly crass example of liberal uber alles imbecility
18 Aug 2010, 8:19PM
You might want to examine the Feston Konzani Case Zoe. 10 years and deportation. Teesside, 2004. And some very unpleasant veiled racist reports in the UK media."
OMG the creature was sentenced to 10 years and deported!
What a crime against humanity that was!
Typhoon Mary was interned to prevent high winds damaging British shipping.
FFS. Verrucas A) can be cured and B) even if not cured, don't kill.
G) -I think it was 'Tycoon Mary' and she able to afford treatment privately.
No, it was "Typo Mary" and she was interned to protect the typing pool before the invention of Tippex. :-)
Whereas Typhoo Mary brought round the tea.
AIDS has always had a special place in Leftie politics. It was the disease that was going affect everyone. It didn't because their whole sexuality theory, everyone is bisexual, turned out to be nonsense.
It is victimhood identity politics at its worst, HIV/Aids sufferers are victims therefore any crime that can by definition only apply to Aids victims is like racism or something.
They have wanted her jailed if she'd had a cigarette afterwards.
AIDS has always had a special place in Leftie politics. It was the disease that was going affect everyone. It didn't because their whole sexuality theory, everyone is bisexual, turned out to be nonsense.
Yeah AIDS was gonna kill everyone, whereas the propagators of this nonsense knew all along it was only hitting a few specific and easily identifiable sub sections of the comuuuuunity.
Although in fairness, bisexual people do exist, which makes me think of another reason why I hate the left.
This is one of those things where for me where the political became personal and I get really pissed off thinking back on how I took this stuff seriously.
I was at my shagmeister prime and I did actually turn down a number of opportunities with a good looking and filthy young women who I got along with very well(bi-sexual bird with real possibilities of threesomes)because I was aware of her less than pristine personal history.
Back in the eighties we were not certain of how the virus was spread and abstinence often seemed sensible.
I will kick myself to my dying day over that lost opportunity.
Bastard lefties!!!!
Think this tops Zoe, Laban
Williams is a CIF contributor, well he just would be wouldn't he?
20 Aug 2010, 12:44PM
"I'm glad 'they' rob and steal from you lot. Most of you have displayed exactly the qualities of why they rob and steal from you. We're talking about a group of people here that have been historically and contemporarily persecuted more than any other 'race' in the history of the world. Sure, you may point to the fact that 'oh a gypsy stole my wallet' ergo they've made no attempt at cultural integration, or abiding by the laws of 'society'. But why the hell should they? There is no affirmative action for the Romany, there is little or no recognition to the horrors the Romany during the holocaust. The Jews have Museums and Hollywood films. You and your ancestors have created this hegemony, either deal with it, or do something to redress the situation - understand the issue without prejudice, in a historical and cultural context, then open the dialogue. Deportation solves nothing. It's a short term 'solution' to the oldest 'problem' in history.
How many of the Romany in question have the opportunity to comment on this forum? None. Why? Think about it. Until you do the above, they will continue to rob and steal from you and I hope your wallets are bulging when they do.
You cannot walk straight when the road bends. Romany proverb."
Romany steal because it is their way of life and has been for centuries, how different the story is with Slavs, also the object of Nazi persecution, but now no longer threatened by anyone simply on account of being Slavs (except in Kosovo) because East Europeans DO NOT BEHAVE LIKE SHIT IN MY FUCKING COUNTRY.
My overall conclusion? If you work with the system the system will work with you.
Or put more artfully - do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
If I was a thieving bastard I hope I would be punished too.
The verruca is a charming and inoffensive little fish. IMHO Swimming with verrucas was one of Jacques Cousteau's best ever underwater documentaries.
No, it was "Typo Mary" and she was interned to protect the typing pool before the invention of Tippex. :-)
Lol! Brilliant.
AIDS has always had a special place in Leftie politics....
I can remember bak in the 80s a leftie type writing that evil Republicans were unfairly portraying AIDS as a disease largely of blacks, drug users and gays.
Well guess what, 20 odd years later and it turns out those nasty Republicans were right on the money.
I say this as someone who at the time totally believed the 'nice' lefties, was one of them really.
How many of the Romany in question have the opportunity to comment on this forum? None. Why? Think about it. Until you do the above...
OK I'm thinking about it.
1) Because they are often illiterate.
2) Because they have low IQ.
3) Because, own their own, they would be incapable of developing computers or indeed any of the sience & technology underlying IT.
4) Because their culture deprecates learning and intellectual endevour (see 1 & 2).
5) Because they have a strong tribal mentality which treats outsiders as something less than human, a resource to be harvested.
Is that what you meant Tim?
Science obviously.
I've got a cheap & nasty k/b from Tesco (four quid!) but some of the keys are crap, especially 'c'.
Joan Smith, in the 'Indy' has been pondering this case, wondering what it can tell us.
Her conclusion is, well, a little off-centre:
"Another way of looking at this case is that it highlights the lack of support in Germany for young woman from immigrant families..."
Oh, clearly, Joan. Clearly...
Damn, futzed the link.
JuliaM- thanks for the link to the Joan Smith article. On days like this she makes Yazza seem like a paragon of intelligence and wisdom. Why on earth the Indy pay her to produce this bilge is one the great mysteries of the new century.
"Another way of looking at this case is that it highlights the lack of support in Germany for young woman from immigrant families..."
And another way at looking at Joan Smith is that she's a frothing mentalist psychopath with "sanity issues".
The whore of Babylon will fall and fall again.
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