In England 23% of primary school children are ethnic minority.
The figures are much higher in the States. Of course there were indigenous 'minorities' in what is now the United States before the British and European settlers arrived - and those settlers then imported (by force) a hefty black minority population. But the Hispanic element in the US population was pretty small, despite (or perhaps because of) the eventual US takeover of the former Spanish territories of Texas, California, Florida and New Mexico. Now the Reconquista is well under way.
The estimates found that nearly half (47 percent) of the nation’s children younger than five were a minority in 2008, with 25 percent being Hispanic.
Are You Genuinely Clueless, Or Just Obtuse?
28 minutes ago
Yes but 100 years ago there was only 75million people in the USA, now it has expanded to well over 300million.
and your point is...?
"The Association of Teachers and Lecturers has called for extra funding to help them cope with the numbers of children arriving from abroad with little or no English."
BBC link
Liberals wanted this, liberals should bloody well pay for it. Morons. How do they suppose that is to be done when the deficit is supposed to be halved over 4/5 years anyway?
Comrade Crudd has often appealed for increased(ie transfered) funds to "poorer" areas
Overall of course it is the rate of change that is so worrying.
There will be nothing to hold this together - we will have a ruined economy and zero cohesion; as liberals and commies get their dearest wish - national dissolution
"Why Auschwitz sign's theft chilled me"
"Peter Lazenby is chairman of the Leeds branch of the NUJ and Joint Father of the NUJ Chapel at Yorkshire Post Newspapers"
This Commie here is exploiting the Holocaust for blatantly political purposes, he knows that the sign was apparently stolen by low life thieves without a political agenda
This is a massive issue. Germans destroyed the Jews with scientific, organisational and methodical devilry. But because of this we, who had nothing to do with this supreme evil, are expected to acquiese in the destruction of our country through Balkanisation and our own race replacement genocide. Indeed we are expected to welcome the Reds' new go at Year Zero. Anybody who points out the disasterous consequences is likely to be screamed at by some self-loathing, mentalist retard as a nazi, fascist, racist etc etc. Just like they did with Powell, a truly distinguished, scholar, soldier and politician
I bet Lazenby has little say about the Ukranian famine.
I often wonder what the results would be if someone did a psychological/psychiatric survey of the effects of population change where people were allowed to say how they really felt and rate the pain they truly feel. We might have anti-immigration on the national health. Oh, maybe not, I forgot. I know of one perfectly civil couple in the their 70s from a non enriched area who were so traumatised by a trip to heathrow airport that they won't go again. It rates much higher than climate change for instance. More traumatic than seeing a bad car accident I'd say from listening to them. It's not hate. Any enrichers out there reading this please question your humanity if you feel like sneering. Would you sneer at non whites feeling this - say native americans or maoris? Liberal whites - think: tibetans + chinese. We KNOW you want this to die with us. As quickly as possible eh?
47% were a minority?
hmm, that should turn itself around in a couple of years I would guess.
Then 47% will still be minority, but it'll be the new minority - white people.
Those who decline to breed will always tend to be in a minority - for while; then they become extinct.
Catholic (and, increasingly, evangelical-pentecostal) Hispanic Americans) have a better chance of becoming mainstream Americans than South Asian Muslims have of becoming mainstream Brits - whatever that is now.
"I often wonder what the results would be if someone did a psychological/psychiatric survey of the effects of population change where people were allowed to say how they really felt and rate the pain they truly feel."
George Carey said that indigenous people feel a "visceral distress"
Plus points
The economic blasts, we have seen nothing yet, will clear a lot of clouded minds wonderfully well - a silver lining to a very black cloud
As long as the armed forces remain overwhelmingly indigenous then the potentiality to reverse the disaster of Islamic colonisation remains
The surface area of our country that is very highly enriched remains small in terms of square miles
Immigration is a massive dead-weight for Zanu Nulab electorally.
Yachtsman, the Japanese aren't becoming a minority, their birth-rates are lower than ours.
This is a massive issue. Germans destroyed the Jews with scientific, organisational and methodical devilry. But because of this we, who had nothing to do with this supreme evil, are expected to acquiese in the destruction of our country through Balkanisation and our own race replacement genocide."
People who believe fairy tales deserve what they get.
Re the Auschwitz sign.
Since much of the camp complex was destroyed by the Germans in 1945 and later (re)constructed* after the war by the Polish communist state, what are the chances that was an original sign in the first place?
*Apparently repeating this used to be categorized as 'holocaust denial', now its accepted as fact. Its not deemed to be correct though to ask how this reconstruction was effected. Apparently building locations dont match those of allied aerial recon pictures and there are no German plans of the camp.
"People who believe fairy tales deserve what they get."
It all needs talking out openly.
On CIF yesterday there was the usual crap about not discriminating against HIV positive African immigrants.
Of course we don't want these people here, end of
But if you say that it isn't long before some knee jerk retard pulls out Nazi death camps.
We are being destroyed for something we had no hand in
Sgt Troy
I bet Lazenby has little say about the Ukranian famine.
Nor the fact that the Nazi's stole the phrase "arbeit-macht-frei" from the Soviets in the first place.
We are being destroyed for something we had no hand in
Thats because Sarge as a white person you are just as guilty as any German Nazi.
I was told the very same thing by my Jewish ex-girfriend when talking about how my two grandfathers had fought in the war and my father had narrowly escaped death in an air raid. Her grandfaters, both resident in Britain in WW2, had not seen military service btw.
I was still a stupid liberal then, I though we were all on the same side, people who fought the Nazis, Jews all the same united front. Cobblers, Jews dont believe that at all.
*Apparently rehashing this used to be arranged as 'holocaust disavowal', now it's acknowledged as the certainty. It is not considered to be right, Write my Essay however, to ask how this recreation was affected. Evidently assembling areas done coordinate those of associated elevated recon pictures and there are no German designs of the camp.
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