via Blognor Regis, not work or child-friendly, contains profanity and stereotyping (only acceptable stereotyping, though) - but it did make oi larf out loud. The film might be worth a look.
PS - What is it that Clevon shouts in the hospital bed ?
Trump: using the levers of his very great power
2 hours ago
"What is it that Clevon shouts in the hospital bed ? "
"Get your hands off my junk!"
Idiocracy is a pretty good satire of dumbing down.
There was some talk about the studio not supporting the movie, and the film does seem to have been hurried in some places but it is still worth seeing.
Youtube carried the whole movie in 10 minute bites, IIRC - hilarious to the point of being slack-jawed with amazement at Mike Judge's prescience.
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