Our very own favela. Slowly the infrastructure of a third world country is being put together.
A council has said a group of eastern European immigrants living rough and "rent-free" in a city are giving migrant workers a bad name. Up to 20 Lithuanians, Slovakians, Poles, Ukrainians and Russians have set up camp in an area of Peterborough.
The city council said the group had refused offers of help and work opportunities and were continuing to live rent-free on the streets. A council spokesman said they had been warned their camp was illegal. "They have been told that their camp is illegal and must be removed but have moved their tents only a short distance further along," the spokesman said. "It may next be necessary to take enforcement action. Essentially, they have refused opportunities for work and only undertake sporadic employment when no other means of support are available. They prefer to live rent-free."
The spokesman said three tents have been put up in the city's Bourges Boulevard, with up to 20 "rough sleepers" thought to be living there.