The IPPR report (pdf), which sheds a bit of light on the eternal leftist paradox :
"Hey, these guys are coming to do the jobs we won't do - the economy would collapse without them. Can't you racists get that into your thick skulls ?"
"Hey, these guys have terrible problems with unemployment - just because of all the racism in the natives' thick skulls"
You'd never believe it, but it seems not all immigrants are the same. Some have high employment rates, some don't. No poo, Sherlock !
And the ONS have revised their projected immigration stats upwards by a third.
I'll take a look at the ONS stats and the IPPR report when I have a little more time. The slippery slope gets even steeper.
Bits and Pieces
3 hours ago
I agree with you we should not look at racism to block people who badly needs filling a vacant job.
When it comes to trade westerners slap us with barriers like agricultural subsidies,while buying only our raw materials of which they dictate the price.The rest of the businesses setups are stunted and cant grow.This will eventually create an army of immigrants who what to improve their lives.
who would like languishing in poverty while images of western affluence are constantly beamed all over international communication networks.
Can someone tell me why Africa is deliberately made to remain poor,why all this hypocrisy about Christians loving Christians,mind you much of the west is not Muslim,Hindu,Buddhist,Pagan name it but christian
Jobs the indigenes won't do? Like young doctors, fresh out of long, gruelling, very expensive training who cannot find a job because the NHS is importing Africans and other immigrants?
How many British would preferred to be treated by someone with their own language and their own cultural background as opposed to someone speaking his second language and who has not the slenderest tether to British culture?
This needs to be addressed stat.
Mawanda - to be candid, we do not want large numbers of individuals with very different cultural backgrounds and standards in our ancient, monocultural country.
You bring up a point I constantly bang on about myself: the iniquitous Common Agricultural Policy, which is a protective cartel designed to keep others out and enable British and European growers to charge fanciful prices for their produce.
In Mexico, I pay around 80P for a kilo of mangoes or avocados. I pay around one penny each for bananas. Mexico's a huge country and these products have to be trucked in over large distances, so this includes transport costs, and the supermarkets are still making money. Compare this with what British and Europeans pay for produce and it is outrageous. I've mentioned before that when I lived in France, the cost of strawberries brought over to the little shop in my village by a farmer a couple of kilometres away, in his own truck, was insane by normal standards.
The CAP should be scrapped and Africans should be encouraged to try their hand in European markets. As in the rest of the world, there are plenty of entrepreneurially astute Africans who could do good business - as in make legitimate fortunes - and give employment to their local communities if we would only let them in.
I do not know why this is not an international scandal. Free trade is the answer to international affluence. Not mass immigration.
"Hey, these guys are coming to do the jobs we won't do"
Too true, they are coming to earn the wage none of us could ever live on, unless we are prepared to rush "home" to a stinking mattress in a bedsit with another ten slaves.
That is our problem. We want a decent living wage for ourselves, and high quality goods and services (including catering, childcare, cleaning, residential care ) provided by unqualified undocumented serfs.
It reminds me of a very old joke. Sign above a business that said "We buy old junk and sell valuable antiques".
Mawanda writes: "who would like languishing in poverty while images of western affluence are constantly beamed all over international communication networks."
So you have TV and an internet connection then?
mawanda has a point- both regarding agricultural trade barriers and the fact that the West is no longer Christian - indeed, Christianity is better represented by many African bishops than by English ones. Shameful but true.
The others make good points, but I should also remind you, (before you go on to plead the African cause) that India, like Africa, was a also colony of the UK, and since it gained independance has gone on to have a mature democracy and free elections. It also has the 6th largest economy in the world, and is self-sufficient in food.
Africa, by contrast (and with a fraction of India's population) has gone steadily downhill on all counts.
To blame Europe and the world for your misfortunes is NOT the answer to African poverty, and it's lack of progress.
Bernard - Quite.
In today's world, the Africans should wake up and understand that no one is going to take care of them any more. I would repeat, though, that we need to eliminate trade barriers against them.
But even then, they own the richest continent on the entire planet Earth- diamonds, gold, uranium and other elements the West wants to buy, and they still whine that they're at a disadvantage.
If we - the West - had had your natural resources, Mawanda, we would have been light years - not just a few generations - ahead of the game.
Our ancestors in the West were daring, creative, inventive and they willed their skills and their wealth to the future generations of their nations.
Think about that, Mawanda, and go to your own country and deliver its potential instead of whining.
That said, I agree, as I have said so often before, that free trade may be the answer. At least it's a chance. We should let their produce and anything else they produce into our countries.
But trade barriers, although serious, are not the whole problem with the dependent, whiney, corrupt, richest continent on the Earth.
Our ancestors, who toiled for us, owe you nothing but courtesy and a fair deal at the negotiating table.
Adding to what Bernard wrote:
India is not a continent, like Africa. It is just a country.
And it now files more international technological patents than any country in the world after the United States and Germany.
Africa is a vast continent. How many technological patents from any country in the entire continent of Africa have been filed, never mind accepted?
Sorry, but this "Africa as victim" story is stale.
You have allowed "strong men" to take control of you and send aid money to Swiss bank accounts for generations. And then you expect us to feel sorry for you that none of it filtered down to you. Boo bloody hoo.
It goes without saying that we should open our all our markets to the Africans. Let them compete in the knockabout marketplace. If some people prosper, that's wonderful! If they don't, it's not our problem.
It's yours.
IMHO autarky in strategic areas is a good thing and any Government that actually cared about the people it is supposed to represent would pursue it. Making agriculture in European countries impossible by forcing European farmers to compete with low cost countries could prove quite literally fatal.
I expect to see in my lifetime and probably within a few years the consequences of shifting so much of our industrial base to the Far East.
I do beleive Lenin once said 'the capitalists will sell us the rope to hang them with'.
China, Japan and Korea did not grow thier economies to such awesome size by following Adam Smith or any NeoLiberal bollocks that has its roots in 'The Wealth of Nations', but rather by following the wisdom and common sense of Freidrich List.
Look it up!
The Pew Research Centre have a recent survey of 45,000 people World Publics Welcome Global Trade -- But Not Immigration which might be worth comparing with the recent output from IPPR.
... the world broadly embrace key tenets of economic globalization but fear the disruptions and downsides of participating in the global economy. ... most people endorse free trade, multinational corporations and free markets. However ... they are concerned about inequality, threats to their culture, threats to the environment and threats posed by immigration.
... there are widely shared concerns about the free flow of people, ideas and resources ... people worry about losing their traditional culture and national identities, and they feel their way of life needs protection against foreign influences. ... and concerns about threats to a country's culture and traditions. ... Large majorities ... express the view that there should be greater restriction of immigration and tighter control of their country's borders.
... Western publics ... are less likely to back tighter controls today than they were five years ago, despite heated controversies over this issue in both Europe and the United States over the last few years.
... North Americans generally are more welcoming to immigrants than are Western Europeans. ... Swedes are the most likely to say immigration ... is a good thing ... Italians and Germans express the most negative views.
Bert Rustle - and your point? What is this Pew Research Centre? Some One Worlder think tank like the innocent-sounding Rowntree Foundation? It seems to be American-based and hard left, posing as impartial. At least, that's how I judge its website.
Well, of course N Americans are more welcoming of immigrants. Their nations are built on immigration, the indigenes never having done anything with it themselves. Britain and the continent of Europe are already full up with indigenes whose families have occupied their patches for a couple of thousand years or so.
"... there are widely shared concerns about the free flow of people, ideas and resources ... people worry about losing their traditional culture and national identities, ...". Actually, this is the passive tense, and I don't like it. And it's not true.
People in the advanced West are determined not to lose their culture and national identity although they are irritated at the determined chipping away of the left. However, the immigrants aren't worried as they have no intention of giving up their traditional "cultures", but arrive in civilisation with the intention of imposing their backward folkways and barbaric laws on the country they roll up in.
The "free movement of people" is strictly communist, one-worlder controlling rubbish.
verity wrote Bert Rustle - and your point? What is this Pew Research Centre? Some One Worlder think tank like the innocent-sounding Rowntree Foundation? It seems to be American-based and hard left, posing as impartial. At least, that's how I judge its website. The point is to compare and contrast the original post from the IPPR with the Pew report and to highlight it’s existence to UK bloggers. In my opinion the IPPR is a blatant piece of Multiculti propaganda whereas the Pew report is reminiscent of Putnam .
verity wrote "... there are widely shared concerns... people worry about losing their traditional culture and national identities, ...". Actually, this is the passive tense, and I don't like it. And it's not true. This is true in the UK and indeed is daily fodder for the UK Drive-By Media.
verity wrote ... People in the advanced West are determined not to lose their culture and national identity ... In the UK they do not vote this way at the ballot box but they do vote this way when choosing where they live and in the education of their children. In the USA, the anti-immigration, pro-Western presidential candidate is Tom Tancredo has been largely ignored by the Drive-By Media.
Bert Rustle - Thank you for your response.
The British people have not been given an opportunity to vote on whether they wish to be decimated and their ancient identity buried under waves of primitive immigrants with alien habits and a rather repulsive religion. I find this incredible. They have never demanded a referendum or even a debate - so easily cowed have they been by Blair's enforcers - the thought fascists.
verity 3:16 PM wrote ... The British people have not been given an opportunity to vote on whether they wish to be decimated ... They have never demanded a referendum or even a debate - so easily cowed have they been by Blair's enforcers - the thought fascists.
Thanks for thanks. In my opinion, based on accounts of Soviet dissidents, the Western equivalent of Soviet era communist party membership is multiculti discipleship. Dissent on the method of implementation is tentatively acceptable but any doubts expressed about egalitarian equal outcomes is not tolerated and can lead to exclusion from polite society, career damage, re-education (diversity training) and even unemployment.
Meanwhile, the Establishment Party unveils 10-point action plan to build community cohesion whilst parents are
actively choosing to segregate their children from other groups of pupils and “opinion formers” are self-serving hypocrites . Fortunately, the UK Ruling Class is still better than that of
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