It’s not just this though, it’s the way immigrants are driving down wages. Ferdie’s brother is a painter and decorator. The going rate for a painter and decorator these days, so his brother’s boss has informed him, is forty quid a day. It used to be seventy. Ferdie’s brother can’t live on forty quid a day but Polish labourers who are, short-to-mid term, going to sleep three to a room and send the surplus money back home can. From seventy a day to forty a day? We’re going backwards! Ferdie’s prediction is that ten years down the line London is going to be even more of a radically ghettoised shit hole than it is now. After all, the authentic Brits are leaving for Australia and South Africa in droves and the people who are coming in are all waves of cheap labour from the benighted parts of the earth ...
There’s a part of me that feels I have to grant credence to views that, were they coming from a working class white guy I would immediately and violently dismiss. Is that racism on my part, some spurious “authenticity” I’m granting to Ferdie’s voice, that I feel I have the right to deny to others, or is it just the sheer novelty of it ?
Ferdie’s problem may be that he’s simply more working class than he is black, that his identification is much more strongly with his class and his nationality than with his roots and his “ethnicity.” British, working-class, black. In that order.
A conversation on a station platform with a black BNP sympathiser. I really do recommend that you read the whole thing - the blogger's own responses are illuminating too.
(Via BNPAndMe)
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South Africa? Good God.
I don't think many Brits are heading for SA. You'd need to be wealthy enough for 24/7 security guards.
Let's import thousands of lawyers and drive their fees down by 50%. I guarantee that within 18 months there will be a moratorium on immigration, or at least a very specific area of immigration...
From my experience the majority of my friends who have upped and left have gone to Spain.
Laban, I always enjoy your site and visit every day. Recently I've felt the need to do something more constructive. Ideally I'd love to join a political party and become active within it. The choices seem slim and boil down to either the BNP, the English Democrats or possibly UKIP. UKIP seems pointless, just too disorganised. The English Demorats are an extremely small outfit and unlikely to make any real impact anytime soon. That leaves the BNP. Whilst I agree with many of their policies I still have a nagging doubt that there are just a few too many ex-Nazi types for my liking, though I may be wrong. In my dreams there would be one other possible alternative which is to join the Tories (as an ex Labour voter I can't believe I've just written that; old prejudices die hard) and attempt to change from within. My question is, do you have any thoughts on a way forward?
I don't know where in Britain you are but if you e-mail me I can put you in contact with your local organiser who would more than likely invite you as a guest at the next meeting. Then you can decide for yourself as to what we are made of, so to speak
Its all you ex-Labour voters who have got us in the situation we are in now. Yes the previously Tory admins also contributed to the problem but thats only because the Labour voters dragged the 'center' ground much further left than would have seemed imaginable 100 years ago.
If you look at the demographics of this country GA, its long past the time the BNP could have amounted to anything, or any other ethnically British or English party.
You guys woke up only to find the fight was already lost.
I too am from Caribbean heritage and understand completely where Ferdie is coming from. I am about to come out of the closet and declare my true political opinions and general frustations at how the country is being run. The fact that Shaun Bailey, the director of the charity My Generation, has been selected as the Conservative candidate for North Kensington and Hammersmith gives me some hope. I no longer fear being ostracised by my white liberal "mates", I've simply had enough.
I no longer fear being ostracised by my white liberal "mates", I've simply had enough.
Don't let them oppress you....they have no deep faith in what they spout and just need others to stop challenging their half-baked mantras to keep their illusions intact
"dearieme said...
South Africa? Good God."
You seem to have lost your religion, and converted.
I thought it was money ;)
Funny the Anonymous should mention the Left's reluctance to let every sector of the economy reap the benefits of cheap labour. While the country apparently needs an endless supply of non-English speaking manual labourers, some jobs have the Left sounding rather like the BNP:
More news about the failure of affirmative action programs here. And more about your favourite academic, Robert Putnam, here and here.
The bloke in the picture if I'm not mistaken is Sharif Gawad who was the British National Party's candidate in a Bradford city council ward in the UK local elections, 2006.
Caused one hell of a stir amongst the racists of Stormfront who couldn't help themselves and naturaly assumed( as they do) he is a pakistani muslim. Sharif is in fact of Greek-Armenian heritige. His grandfather was an Armenian Christian who fled to Britain as a refugee.
Thanks for the offer BN but if I ever decided to become involved with the BNP I'm sure I'd find them fairly easily. I'm also aware that many, if not most, of those involved in the party are perfectly decent people.
It's not just the fact that I feel a little uncomfortable about being in a party that may have some members with views just too extreme for me, it's that there's also a whiff of Nazism in the party's history and roots. This is always going to be an easy rallying point for those on the far left and make it so much more difficult for any breakthrough to occur.
Anonymous 10.24pm - I completely accept my share of the responsibility for what's happened. I never expected things to have gone as far as this. Who could ever have believed that a group of people could have desired and actively worked for ethnic and cultural suicide? Certainly not me. That said, exactly who were you voting for in the 80's and 90's. The National Front, the BNP? The BNP may have changed it's position on many things but it's early incarnation was barely any different from the holocaust denying, Jew hating, Nazi worshippers of the National Front. Any surprise that they didn't appeal?
We are where we are and maybe you're right, the fight's already lost. Then again, maybe you're wrong and something can be rescued. As I said, I agree with many of the policies of the BNP. I'm also mindful of a Sky news poll a year or two ago that showed around 55% also agreed with them. This dropped to just under 50% when people were told the policies were the BNP's. Maybe at this late stage what's required is a non party political organisation based around the general issues of immigration, multiculturism and English (and Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish) nationalism (including the 'West Lothian' question). A pressure group that crossed political boundaries. I'm a little uncertain about the BNP's position on Gay's, I'm not sure about the death penalty and I've read many a comment on blog's that was scathing about their economic policy. Strip all of that out, stick to the core issues and you have something that I feel a vast amount of people would sign up to. Even more so if there could be no accusations of 'far right' connections or 'racism'. I'd like to think that such an organisation would appeal to the likes of Ferdie and Foxy. If the organisation was successful it could put pressure on existing parties and may benefit the likes of the BNP by forcing the discussion of things presently suppressed.
I'd still love to know what Laban thinks about possible ways to 'do something'.
There’s a part of me that feels I have to grant credence to views that, were they coming from a working class white guy I would immediately and violently dismiss. Is that racism on my part, some spurious “authenticity” I’m granting to Ferdie’s voice, that I feel I have the right to deny to others, or is it just the sheer novelty of it?
No, you were right first time: it's because you're racist. And classist.
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