Allowed one of its Christmas programmes to be edited by a wild-haired, wailing, lunatic Sixties throwback.
(They gave Yoko Ono a programme as well.)
Step Aside, Dallas Police*!
3 hours ago
"Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold" - W.B. Yeats. "We're doomed !" - Private Frazer. "Like scrolling through a decade's worth of Daily Mail editorials in 20 minutes" - TheLoonyFromCatford
Is it just me or does the Today website look like some Communist poster from the 1930s? A deliberate decision or an unconscious one?
just a normal day at al beeb then
How about a petition requesting Yoko Ono to be made Archbishop of Canterbury?
Should be an improvement on Williams.
What does Rowan Williams do when not on TV or in The Guardian ? Does he have some minor Civil Service job or is he one of those think-tank types at the IPPR or even a PR lobbyist and influence-peddler ?
BTW - who did succeed Carey at Lambeth Palce ? Was it Nazir-Ali or Akinola ?
Would Yoko Ono make a better Archbishop then Williams? And has Williams a finer singing voice than Lennon's (self-described) inspiration?
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