Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Straighter Scots

Total "civil partnerships" in UK - 15,672.

England - 14,084 - 90% of them, against 83.6 of UK population.

Scotland - 942 - 6%, against 8.5% of UK population.

Wales - 537 - 3.4%, against 4.9% of UK population

Northern Ireland - 109 - 0.7%, against 2.9% of UK population.


Blognor Regis said...

Maybe Brighton is the new Gretna?

Anonymous said...

Why the surprise ? The hotspots are Brighton, Central London - presumably Notting Hill, Islington, Hackney...............the professions are Media, Advertising, Hospitality, Publishing................

Why the surprise ? The only weird thing is that rules on consanguinity are applied as if these relationships could be consummated in the procreative sense.............the blurring of issues relating to marriage such as


is hogwash

Here is the list as it appeared in a Church of England Book of Common Prayer:
A Man may not marry his:

* Mother
* Daughter
* Father's mother
* Mother's mother
* Son's daughter
* Daughter's daughter
* Sister
* Father's daughter
* Mother's daughter
* Wife's mother
* Wife's daughter
* Father's wife
* Son's wife
* Father's father's wife
* Mother's father's wife
* Wife's father's mother
* Wife's mother's mother
* Wife's son's daughter
* Wife's daughter's daughter
* Son's son's wife
* Daughter's son's wife
* Father's sister
* Mother's sister
* Brother's daughter
* Sister's daughter

A Woman may not marry her:

* Father
* Son
* Father's father
* Mother's father
* Son's son
* Daughter's son
* Brother
* Father's son
* Mother's son
* Husband's father
* Husband's son
* Mother's husband
* Daughter's husband
* Father's mother's husband
* Mother's mother's husband
* Husband's father's father
* Husband's mother's father
* Husband's son's son
* Husband's daughter's son
* Son's daughter's husband
* Daughter's daughter's husband
* Father's brother
* Mother's brother
* Brother's son
* Sister's son

Anonymous said...

So if you switch around the Man and Woman Column you get prohibited degress of Consanguinity for Gays

Mr Free Market said...

So you mean that I cant make anymore jokes about Jocks in skirts ?? Ho hum, back to the drawing board!

dearieme said...

Sheep: we have more sheep.

Or perhaps sending wee boys to Sunday school in kilts does them good: ventilation, don't you know?

Anonymous said...

surely this is because most gay men move to large cities. London Birmingham or gay friendly cities. Brighton etc. If you did a comparison of civil parnerships carried out in London compared to the rest of the country you'd likely see a much more significant number.

in fact I'm surprised that 83% of the population *only* had 90% of the partnerships, if you take that into account.

Anonymous said...

Mark - Is that you with the Bulleid pacific? Merchant Navy?


Anonymous said...

Mark - Is that you with the Bulleid pacific? Merchant Navy?


Anonymous said...
