" ... some police officers and sections of the media are demonising Muslims, treating them as if they're all terrorists — and that encourages other people to do the same. If that demonisation continues, then Britain will have to deal with two million Muslim terrorists — 700,000 of them in London" :
Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain in the Sunday Telegraph - remarks which are unreported by either the BBC or Guardian.
The interview also contains the famous Muslim/Christian parallel.
"When the IRA was blowing people up, the entire Catholic population of Britain was not demonised, so why is it happening to the Muslim community ?"
"Britain ... is in danger of turning into Somalia with chip shops" : Mark Steyn.
Told You...
16 hours ago
"When the IRA was blowing people up, the entire Catholic population of Britain was not demonised, so why is it happening to the Muslim community?"
It isn't. It's just that some shit-stirring little self-appointed 'community spokespersons' like to pretend it is to inflate their standing and see their names in the papers.......
When the IRA was blowing people up...my cousin's catholic church was collecting funds for the IRA. Sorry, Laban, but it's true.
I thik you'll find it's Somalia with kebab shops.
I wish this IRA Just Like Islamism canard would stop quacking. IRA: Irish REPUBLICAN army. It was not driven by Catholicism.
There must be a way of disbanding these muslim councils and all the other unelected lobbying/special pleading organisations whose aim is to advance islam in civilised countries. Conquest by whining.
Anon above.
Nearly all active IRA members are/were of Catholic origin. The church itself may not have condoned this but at some level in the church I think we have to acknowledge a certain amount of nodding & winking.
Leftie/republicans are/were fond of pointing out cases (to me) of non-Catholics in the IRA. But we are talking about a tiny number, minute. Pointing out the opposite; the number of Catholics in the RUC, UDR etc was always loftily dismissed as irrelevant.
Verity -
I am fairly certain that it was New Labour who set up these quangos in the first place. Therefore, Blair must take responsibility for the divisions that these sort of organisations foster.
As has been said elsewhere, it is fitting that 7/7 happened on Blair's watch.
Every quango in Britain should be shut down. I've never heard of anything so disgraceful in a democracy as all these "aristocrats" making decisions on behalf of the little people. That Mary Warnecke should be put in the stocks.
So should Abdul (what the hell kind of name is that for someone living in Britain? Abdul! It's a cartoon character's name) Bari (which is Barf with a typo) should be dispatched back to Bangladesh. As should all his compatriots engaged in their trouble-fomenting quangoes.
These quangos are just a symptom, the division is caused by the aliens in our midst.
anonymous 6:20 - No it's caused by the collaborators. These primitives couldn't cause so much disruption of our formerly orderly country without indigenous collaborators.
The little abdul bari (which is barf with a typo) would be teaching at an infants' school in Bangladesh if he hadn't wormed his way in here. And God only knows what the willowy BunglaBoy would be doing in his native wherever.
Verity, yes it was the collaberators who enabled the process.
RE: the Catholic comunity comparison. Catholics in Britain have been regarded as 'naturalised outsiders' since the first Elizabethan reign. This regard has variously taken form as suspicion, exclusion, violence, downright fear and superstitious loathing. However, anti-Catholic sentiment certainly seems no longer virulent and my guess is that, excepting certain flashpoints stoked by sectarian tribal-political divisons, its energies linger now in a generalised disdain for people who disclose their Christian beliefs.
As for support for the IRA, the official Catholic line has been historically, and in my experience, that such support is support for murdering fascists, end of.
I think the confusion for English people has been that the Irish (often confused with all Catholics) have, on the one hand, given little/no electoral support for militancy or even Irish unity. On the other hand though, it's taken us far too long to stop singing those stupid effing 'Ra ballads and far too long to stop saddling our kids with self-defeating cultural baggage.
Of course, it also helped that your government began to address real inequalities that blighted the lives of some of its Catholic citizens.
Oh, and challenging public figures who capitalise on latent fear and loathing by flinging childish insults helps too. So Verity, long may you have the freedom to voice your xenophobia, but is it really helpful or even relevant here?
Apologies for going on, Laban.
Mr Bari seems to have forgotten about the internment camps of Northern Ireland.
or the fact that nearly everyone with an Irish accent was viewed with suspicion.
The same collaborators who now work to quarantine every discussion about islamic terrorism in a side street labelled IRA.
shallow - could you do me a favour and explain what you mean by xenophobia? Partridge's etymological dictionary defines it as hatred of foreigners.
Could you let us have your definition, please? You ask whether it's helpful or relevant here, but until I know what you mean by xenophobia, I cannot answer you. Your question seems to make absolutely no sense.
Verity, well, without consulting a dictionary, what I mean by xenophobia is a subjective distrust of foreigners just 'cos they're ... different. In this case, I'm just not sure what you're getting at when you mock this guy's name. Is it 'cos you think his parents gave him that name to either wind up or groom English people in readiness for the Cailphate, or what?! I find comments like these engulf and obscure, and just tend to draw attention to the mudslinger’s emotions. Or maybe that’s exactly what you want!
I also think it's unhelpful because it's a deeply personal insult and in a situation as tense and critical as now, it's not productive for people to respond to each other from personalised positions of slight and disrespect. I've seen this in Ireland, and believe me, it's ain’t big or clever.
And if you’re serious about peaceful solutions, remember, disinterested respect and courtesy are not the same as terrified appeasement.
dearieme, you cousins's parish has a name?
A: I say, I say I say!
If Islamophobia is a fear of Islam, what do call a fear of Buddhism?
B: Tell me, what DO you call a fear of Buddhism
A: .....Zenophobia!
B: I do not wish to know that. Kindly leave this blog.
A: I say, I say I say!
How many Muslims does it need to change a light bulb?
B: I don't know. How may Muslims DOES it need to change a light bulb?
A: None! They sit in the dark all night and blame the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooz !
B: I do not wish to know that, kindly go and buy a paperback copy of the koran, which it easy to roll up, then lubricate it with bacon fat and stick where the sun don't shine.
Shallow, thanks for the courtesy of your reply, although again, it doesn't make sense. That I do not want my ancient and beloved country/civilisation, and my fellow citizens, blown up by a bunch of primitives from the Dark Ages in the name of their desert diety has absolutely nothing to do with foreigners. Islam is not a race. It's not a nationality.
Their bloodthirsty violence isn't being committed in the name of extending their countries.
It is being committed in the name of converting dar al-Harb into dar es-Islam. It is about the umma, and the sooner the average Brit understands that,the better. Because the government certainly doesn't.
Back to your "xenophobe" point, I certainly encountered murderous looks from the French when I lurched around in their beautiful language when I lived in France, but those looks caused acute embarrassment, not fear. ("I'm sorry!" I would sob, "I can't remember the conditional of aller! Iriez? How many letters?"
I have, though, objected in the strongest possible terms to aggressive adherents of a Dark Ages religion - from the year 800 - coming into our advanced civilisations of the West with the intent of imposing their primitive tribal laws on it – and trying to bomb the British and other advanced societies into submission.
You lecture on disliking Islam, which I think I probably know much more about than you do: "I also think it's unhelpful" Hey! Who said I wanted to help?
I'm not a lefty. I want to solve, not help!
"it's not productive for people to respond to each other from personalised positions of slight and disrespect. I've seen this in Ireland, and believe me, it's ain’t big or clever." Ain't it? You would know, would you, your eminence? Saw it over there in Ireland, did you?
Have the balls to tell the Islamics not to "disrespect" my beloved country by blowing up my fellow citizens and trying to get their primitive laws imposed on advanced societies. That's my message.
I have a strong dislike of most forms of Islam, but xeno – meaning outside – has nothing to do with religion. It means foreigners. Islam is not a race and it isn’t a tribe, so I remain baffled by your good wishes for my retaining the freedom to voice my "xenophobia" as diagnosed by you.
Anyway, who is graciously according me this freedom to voice [my] “xenophobia”? The British government? Thank you, but I’m not in Britain. I am so unfearful of foreigners, that I live among them and try to speak their language.
Next time you try to lecture me in a patronising tone of voice, get your facts and your definitions straight first. And don't use terms like "it ain't clever", because that alerts me that you're probably a public sector worker.
I just noticed that Shallow responded to my post by writing: "Verity, well, without consulting a dictionary, what I mean by xenophobia ...".
WHAT? "Without consulting a dictionary, here is my personal la-la-la meaning of a word. I am too lazy to consult a dictionary, but I know for sure what I want this 2,000 year old word to mean?
I'm still on this case.
Shallow, whose nickname we certainly understand, despite my having courteously quote Eric Partridge, has the drooling ignorance to drawl with mind-boggling ignorance:
"Verity, well, without consulting a dictionary, what I mean by xenophobia ...".
I realise I quoted this in the comment above, but how stupid can you be? I'd quoted Eric Partridge. Wouldn't you think this silly little "it ain't big and it ain't clevah" would have at least gone to an OED? Never mind an etymological dictionary, which he would not naturally have in his ghastly flat? But a pocket OED?
And he writes: "Verity, well, without consulting a dictionary, what I mean by xenophobia ...".
Well, Shallow, here's what I mean by asshat: You.
I was trying to post this below earlier but it didn't take. Glad to hear you're still on the case! I am too, and kind of enjoying it! Ha ha ha! It's my first real blog brawl...go on, hit me with your rhythm stick, hit me! hit me! hit me!
Verity, I wasn't trying to be patronising or flip (the dictionary thing wasn't anything really but putting across where I was coming from earlier). Yeah, I agree. When you're talking about wanting to protect your culture (one I greatly admire and am privileged to share into a large extent, btw), I agree, that is absolutely not the same as this 'xenophobia' we're getting hopelessly stuck on now. But when you start digging into the other guy 'cos his name sounds funny and alien to you, well, hey, as a woman (sorry to pull that one on you!), I've got bigger fish already to fry with him. And yeah, I've bawled in my piping treble at gangs of groping, hissing, spitting Arab guys in enough European streets to know I wouldn't last 10 seconds in Algeria. How DO you tell an inarticulate, bigoted, disrespectful little prick (and his ould grandad) to get with the f**king program? Not easy at all, not easy at all. The only solution I can really see is to insist again and again on the objective rule of democratic secular law. And if that means marginalisation and deportations, well, hey, them's the rules. Instead, engage with the rational. Actually, take a look at some of the younger British Asian sites, Verity. They're cringing in irritation at this silly man and his hopelessly provincial crap. Maybe now, they'll get off their asses and not leave it as long as we did.
As for here. Saw some. Enough to make it stick in my craw, to be honest.
t'pub: Hah! Thanks for a bit of light relief!
The reason I have persisted with this thread is, people like Shallow facilitate things for the enemy with their comfortable and grossly ignorant preaching of the Rodney King School of International Relations.
No. In the face of violent aggressors, we can't "all just get along". We have to fight. This constant distorted comparison of the Islamic incursion into Britain and Europe with Northern Ireland and the IRA is equally dangerous. There is no comparison. The invaders are from a primitive, violent religion, they are not indigenes, have no roots in our country and they are set on conquest for their primitive diety.
This is along the same lines as all the lefty morons who mention Hezbollah's aggression against Israel and Israel's response as being like Israel's response to the IRA. Again, the comparison is ignorant and ludicrous.
As is Shallow's sociology 101 lecturing ("It ain't big and it ain't clever"; this from a man who does not own a dictionary) - but even more ridiculously, with him flinging around, in an accusatory, dismissive manner, words he simply doesn't understand and then writing, "Well, here's how I use xenophobic." As though this legitimised his ignorance.
An anon: the parish concerned is in Sarf Lunnun.
dearieme that certainly narrows it down
Let's take reductio ad absurdum approach to the IRA analogy. Imagine if all Irish emigrants , in whatever country they ended up, set about plotting the compulsary imposition of Irish mores on the host population, by force if necessary. In addition, doing this would be an irrevocable and god-given duty. Criticising Michael Collins would provoke an instant flurry of death threats. The IRA would not give warnings about its attacks but always seek to create the maximum,indiscriminate carnage. They would release videos of them sawinf the heads off their victims etc etc
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