I fear that very soon we will see another fake 911 in america followed by a fascist take over.
In Blairy England Brown is organising patriot youth groups in schools.
I fear for the future.
Book day
9 hours ago
"Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold" - W.B. Yeats. "We're doomed !" - Private Frazer. "Like scrolling through a decade's worth of Daily Mail editorials in 20 minutes" - TheLoonyFromCatford
His 'About me' says it all:
"I help people through creative ritual, using art, photography, poetry, drama,and story making to help people through crisis to transformation"
Let me guess, he's an extortion funded parasite on the UK people.
very soon we will see another fake 911 in america followed by a fascist take over
How can there be a fascist takeover 'soon' when, in the opinion of most moonbats, they have already taken over..?
Can't they keep their lunatic theories straight, or something..?
To be fair to him, I think people actually pay for his services.
Even more strangely, James Hamilton, whose judgement I respect, reckons he's quite good at what he does.
After all, Hitler could paint all the windows in a house in one morning - two coats !
"I help people through creative ritual, using art, photography, poetry, drama,and story making to help people through crisis to transformation"
The above is gibberish, and makes me suspect that it was written by an eight year old. Evidently his contempt for Western culture extends to the Egnlish language.
No, apparently he's 55 tear old pretending to be an 8 year old! I am getting the whiff of sandal, denim dungarees, a beard and a grey ponytail.
Did I say that? I seem to remember having done so, but I must have been younger and more forgiving then.
The trouble is, it's perfectly possible. I know quite a few absolutely excellent therapists (i.e. who are going to leave you genuinely better off than when you started) who will insist on carrying around in-your-face far/mad-left politics. I was at an excellent lecture by someone who's doing very laudable things to make cancer patients more comfortable - fascinating stuff and all very agreeable, but bizarrely interspersed by irrelevant mantras of "stupid Bush, stupid Blair", something that had nothing at all to do with what was being discussed.
My sole comfort at times like this lies in reflecting that almost all the professions are just as bad under the skin. The BMJ's letters pages, for instance...
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