I wouldn't normally bother with a story like this, but the name rang a small bell.
"Sheik Riyadh ul-Haq, formerly the imam at a Birmingham, England, mosque, who has been accused of vilifying Jews, Hindus, and moderate Muslims, was set to speak at the Youth Tarbiyah conference on June 30, organized by the Islamic Foundation of Toronto.
Canadian Jewish Congress national president Ed Morgan said he heard last week through media reports that Solberg had informed immigration officials that ul-Haq should be barred from entering the country because his views could incite terror and hatred."
I posted a couple of years back about the bizarre goings on at Birmingham Central Mosque, which culminated in two murders.
"The court heard that Sheik Abu Yusuf Riyadhul-Haq, 34, an imam at the Birmingham Central Mosque, had secretly married a woman who became his second wife. But a scandal broke when Shockat Lal, a mosque secretary, had an affair with the woman and she became pregnant, the court was told. As a result Mr Lal was "demonised" by followers of the imam. He and those who supported him were either expelled from the mosque or ostracised."
The imam at the centre of the shenanigans, whose wife was unfaithful, and who was arrested, causing hundreds to demonstrate on the streets of Leicester, appears to be the imam in question.
"19-03-2003 BY NIC RIDLEY Leicester Mercury:
Religious leaders called for calm after an armed raid at the home of a prominent Muslim brought hundreds of people on to the streets.
Armed officers raided a house in Hartington Road, Highfields, yesterday and arrested six men in connection with an attempted murder. Among the men were four sons of respected religious leader Muhammad Gora Pirbhai. One of the sons is understood to be Riyadh Ul Haq, imam of the Central Mosque in Birmingham.
Four of the six arrested men were transferred to West Midlands police for questioning. Two have since been released on police bail.
Officers in Birmingham are questioning two other men in connection with an attempted murder in Small Heath, Birmingham."
I don't know what his speeches are like, but I wouldn't expect him to be soft on adulterers.
The good news is that you can hear him at the (taxpayer-funded) London Islam Expo, along with a galaxy of Respect/SWP/fellow traveller types like Yvonne Ridley, Andrew Murray, Frank 'I'm A Muslim' Gardner, Our Maddy of the Sorrows, Seamus 'Mad Dog' Milne, Jonathan Freedland (does he really look like that ?), Norman Kember and Lindsay German. Tastefully timed to concide with the 7/7 anniversary.
10 hours ago
If only our Immigration system could keep people like that out. Unfortunately most of them either have British passports or Eurostan passports so either way we have to let them in.
You seem to be spewing with hatred and spite. Thank God you're not a journalist for any major newspaper.
he should be locked up.getting away with it because he is a "religous" figure. people like him stir hatered and make life difficult for the sincere muslims! thank god thier is proper justice in the next world!
The mosque secretary didn't have an affair with the woman, that's just a rumour
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