Canon Jeremy Davies whacking another nail into the hands, and into the coffin of the Church of England.
From the diocese that brought you this.
After Rev Stone announced the decision to go ahead with the operation in June, the Bishop of Bristol, the Right Reverend Barry Rogerson, said there was no ethical or ecclesiastical reason why the priest should not continue ministry.
Twice-divorced Rev Stone, who has a teenage daughter, said: "My agenda now is to return to ministry and serve the people of Stratton.
I'll let Barry say it for me.
UPDATE - apologies - North Wiltshire (incuding Swindon) belongs to the diocese of Bristol, not Salisbury.
Are You Genuinely Clueless, Or Just Obtuse?
54 minutes ago
While I nothing against civil partnerships as such, if the Canon Precentor is a practising homosexual, he is blatantly contravening the rules of the CofE, which require homosexual clergy to be celibate.
As for the trans-sexual priest, you are being unfair. Employment law would not permit him/her to be removed from his post, as women can (quite rightly, there being nothing in scripture or the early Fathers to forbid it) be priests in the CofE.
Employment law would not permit him/her to be removed from his post,
Does employment law apply yet ?
Probably in sex discrimination cases, yes - though not, I believe, if the priest was merely a priest-in-charge rather than a vicar.
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