Saturday, October 15, 2005

Shaggy Ink-Caps From The Curate's Paddock

"Heaven forbid that men should be expected to look after their children" says Deborah Orr in the Indie.

She's quite right. Heaven has forbidden it. Children aren't allowed (well, the odd teenager might get in) and there isn't a creche as far as I know.

Anyway, would you want to leave your childern with this man ?

I've never been particularly fond of shaving, and wore a beard for years. In the 1970s and early 80s I had very long hair, full beard and moustache so only my eyes were visible - a sort of hairy hijab in the style of Trevor Hockey or Doug Scott. When I found myself clean-shaven out in the capitalist world I resented bitterly the fact that while my darling bled every month, I bled every day.

Maybe I shouldn't have used cheap disposable razors.

Via LMWN, a terrific Tech Central piece on razors. I had no idea that
Most men consider a decent razor one of life's little luxuries, and unlike cheapskate me will pay over the odds for a better shave.

Apparently men actually talk to each other about shaving. I must try this sometime at a party. "Studies have shown that men are eager to try alleged improvements in shaving, but they demand results. Word of mouth about some new shaving innovation is very powerful." Come to think of it, I have heard the odd conversation at work about shaving, but I don't think they were talking about chins.

Lord Byron once described it as "a daily plague, which, in the aggregate may average on the whole with parturition." Sane, bad, and dangerous to be in a bathroom with ?

In 1847, an Englishman, William Henson, inspired by garden tools, invented the "hoe type" razor. Isn't that what a rapper would call one of these ?

We had the three-blade Mach3 in the 80s (well some did - I had the Bic). We had the four-blade Quattro in the 90s (I'd made it as far as Superdrug's twin-blade own brand). Stand by for the five-blade Fusion in the near future.

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