Since the broadband box moved to one room and the steam-powered 56K box with all my mail stayed in another, my links have been woefully neglected.
So lets start with the big boys - Harry Hutton, who to my amazement links to me, and The Pooter of Geek - because they're both good, Clive Davis likewise, The Sharpener because they're all good bloggers (and they asked me to contribute ... they're still waiting), Once More ... (ditto).
Backword Dave and semi-skimmed - how did I leave them off ?
Then the evil bloggers of the Right :
Peter Glover, aka Wires From The Bunker - that rare thing, a Christian political blog.
Charlotte Wyatt, still obstinately refusing to die despite Portsmouth NHS' fears for their budgets.
John Bull, who reckons he's the most politically incorrect thing in the UK blogosphere. Has he read Barry Beelzebub ? John writes for the magazine Right Now, whose proprietor Taki is certainly a man of robust views.
A good one this - Curmudgeon Joy. One to watch.
The delightfully named Dead Cat Bounce, run by a hedge fund manager ('Sell privet ! Leylandii up 50 centimetres !')
Wardyblog - how can you not love a post which starts "David Aaronovitch is possibly the Most Reasonable Columnist In Britain. " Nice comparison between the Gilad Atzmon and Spearhead sites, too.
Occasional posts at the Captain's Table, run by the guy who started the Campaign for A Shorter Christmas.
Nothing like linking to a blog just as the writer packs up. Maybe NottsBlog will rise again. Fortunately Liam's World is still in existence, tales of golf and MySQL from Bracknell (hmm ... Bracknell - does he know any councillors ?)
A giant shout to Polygrafen, written entirely in Norwegian. Anyone know a Norwegian translation engine ?
And what about this Gothic blog, Road Of Entities 2, which links to me (I'm next to Green Fairy. Aiee !). Was it the Nico post ? The Cthulhu link ?
Another blogger who didn't get blown up last week, Room Twelve.
Intriguing one, this - What Is Liberalism ? I'm described as "British conservative" - reactionary ethical British socialism would be better, but there you go. But then I see spiked described as 'conservative', while the Virtual Stoa is - wait for this - "British conservative - God, democracy, anti-communism". Hmm ...
More intrigue - Progressive Viewpoint - "A journal of Classical Liberal and Neo-Conservative commentary". Longish, thoughtful posts.
Yet more intelligent writing at 80/20 Rule.
"The real problem here, and the frightening one, is how the police came to suspect that a Brazilian electrician, legally working and living in the UK, was a terrorist suspect. Or how they managed to get him confused with the real suspect.
In a intelligence led war, that is the crucial issue and the biggest failure."
Forget the legality (the guy had an expired visa and forged passport stamp) - he has a point.
Ther may be one or two more for later. Phew ! Now all I've got to do is get them on the sidebar and into my Bloglines feed.
Told You...
17 hours ago
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