Sunday, April 10, 2005

Ignore The Pop-Ups

They seem to come with iWebtunes, providers of music to webbies. I'll drop it tomorrow, but for Sunday get your ears round Sinfonye, performing Hildegarde of Bingen's Favus Distillans, recorded at Toddington Church in Gloucestershire. From this CD.

DRIPPING HONEYCOMB (Favus distillans)

A dripping honeycomb
was Ursula, virgin,
who yearned to lie with
God's lamb,
honey and milk beneath her tongue.

For she gathered around her
a flock of virgins,
a fruit-bearing orchard,
a garden in bloom.

Rejoice, daughter of Zion,
in the exalted dawn!

For she gathered around her
a flock of virgins,
a fruit-bearing orchard,
a garden in bloom.

Glorify the Father,
the Spirit and the Son.

For she gathered around her
a flock of virgins,
a fruit-bearing orchard,
a garden in bloom.

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