A quick Google tells me that while the secret Government study revealing an estimated 500,000 illegal immigrants has made India and Quatar, it's not been spotted by the Guardian, Independent or BBC websites. How odd. Even stranger when Jeremy Paxman was asking Mr Blair about the figures last night (he denied they existed).
In fact you'll find more coverage on Michelle Malkin's immigration blog than on the British Broadcasting Corporation.
I feel a gratuitous link to Migrationwatch coming on.
I'm naturally a cynical sort with little time for conspiracy theories. Cock-up wins over conspiracy every time (except the vast neo-con conspiracy to conquer all the oil-rich countries of course - places like Afghanistan). So I approached this story (not to mention the mystery leg)at Classical Values cautiously. After all, if there really was a Middle East - nay, Iraqi - link to the Oklahoma bombings, wouldn't GWBs boys have been shouting it from the rooftops a year or two back ? Or are those the very documents which Clinton's security adviser Sandy Berger had down his pants (don't bother looking for this story on the BBC either) ? Dunno mate. Read and ponder.
Are You Genuinely Clueless, Or Just Obtuse?
46 minutes ago
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