Friday, March 25, 2005

You Get What You Pay For

Barry Beelzebub and the Yorkshire Post on the Scott family of Wakefield.

Yorkshire Post plays a straight bat :

Mr Scott quit his job as a factory packer three years ago. He said: "I didn't like work and when Barbara found it difficult with her arthritis I gave up work to help with the kids."
Every week, the family receives £482 income support and £71 child benefit.
As three of the children have learning difficulties, they receive £197 disability benefit, adding up to £39,588-a-year compared to the average salary of £24,000.
They live rent-free in a three-bedroomed council house complete with £1,000 widescreen TV and fancy hi-fi system in Portobello, with their eight youngest children, but are on the waiting list for somewhere larger. They don't have a car but a free minibus is provided by the council to take the children to their special schools.
Mrs Scott said she wouldn't change a thing. "I don't go out at all but Anthony goes to the pub sometimes. We don't have to scrimp and save and we can afford to buy the kids everything they want at Christmas and birthdays.
"The girls are all into Barbie. The boys are more expensive – they ask for Power Rangers and video games."
None of her three eldest children work, although daughter Lisa already has two children and son Steven has a baby.

Whereas Mr B:

As is often the case, some or all of the Scott clan claim to be "disabled". At least three children, while physically fit, have "learning difficulties" (ie. are thick, badly behaved and lazy), Mrs Scott suffers from arthritis (ie. is obese, but is fit enough to catapult offspring from her elasticated womb at regular intervals) and Mr Scott cannot work because he also has learning difficulties.

Surely it cannot be that difficult to teach him the basic facts of life in the hope that he might at least learn to keep his appendage in his trousers in future?

Mr B also reveals that :

It appears that £100,000 of your money has gone to something called the Gipsy and Traveller Law Reform Council which lobbies Parliament on gipsies' rights (why they feel the need to bother, I don't know) while grants of up to £3,000 have gone to individual gipsy groups trying to get planning permission (or completely ignore it, as the case may be).

But he's only working up steam for this week. How long before Trevor Phillips' Thought Police are on the case ?

"There is a myth about those people we call travellers. The image we treasure, conditioned by Enid Blyton children's books, is of a gaily-painted, horse-drawn caravan, meandering its way down country lanes as swallows fly overhead and the sun beats down. We tolerate the fact that Mrs Gippo sells heather and clothes pegs door to door while Mr Gippo does the odd spot of scrap metal dealing. They add colour, after all, to our sad, grey, suburban lives.

"The reality of the situation is that some of these people are nothing but scum. They're a bunch of no-good, work-shy layabouts who cynically exploit the political correctness of Labour-run councils and who wouldn't know an honest day's work it bit them in the arse. They content themselves with resurfacing pensioners' driveways at £1,000 a throw while Cousin Joey slaps a bit of mortar on the chimney pot for another five hundred notes, cash in hand. Oh, and they steal babies."

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