Hat-tip to new sidebar person American Princess for the link to P.J. O'Rourke's Inaugural Address, on the theme of the Ten Commandments.
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." Let's be fair about this. We did see a lot of white, non-Hispanic Democrats in churches in 2004. But they were all running for president. And the churches were inner-city black churches. I happen to know that there are churches in the white, non-Hispanic suburbs where these Democrats live. Apparently jerks can't find them.
And welcome to a very well-written, thoughtful and polite pro-EU blog, Lose The Delusion. Some good stuff there, even for someone like me who thinks the EU is Satan's work.
(By strange coincidence I finished my post yesterday about the Bishop of Worcester, checked the site stats - 'Visitors This Week - 666'. Coincidence - or a message ? And if the latter, did it refer to the Bishop or me ?)
One more English blogger for the road. It's not about politics, but it's too good to miss. The tribulations of Jonny Billericay and his long-term life partner - the fearsome (or long-suffering) LTLP.
Try this sample from last October.
Bits and Pieces
10 hours ago
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