Followed by the Islands. Blogging will be light to non-existent for the next two weeks, unless I can borrow the PC from a right-on relative ('we saw Fahrenheit 9/11 in Penrith last night - really good') or there's an internet cafe here.
There's a lot of new blogs to catch up on, so apologies for the cursory shouts for Squander Two (liked the post on the burglar but don't seem able to link to it), Blithering Bunny (with great post on the unknown-to-me Keith Windschuttle affair), Boston blogger John R Pierce, European Weblog Review - a good idea, but could an RSS-powered site do the same job ?, and Assistant Brighton - the weblog of Jonathan from the band Assistant, who surprisingly are from Brighton. Demos available (at 5 meg I'll wait for broadband) and posts about Brighton Gay Pride. You are linking to the right blog, aren't you ?
British Sea Power - what a great name for a band.
And London had better watch out. Latif is coming.
Told You...
16 hours ago
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